Centreville High’s Choral Department is hosting a Russian women’s choir while it visits the U.S. called Vita in Canto, the choir will perform a free, one-hour concert next Thursday, April 4, at 7 p.m., in the school theater.
The choir is from the Ural University of Economics in Ekaterinburg, Russia. The 27 members are ages 20-23 and have won a number of international festivals and competitions. Their conductor is Yuly Kopkin, who founded the choir and who’s also won several awards.
Vita in Canto’s repertoire includes sacred works by U.S. and European composers, world music, works by contemporary composers, African-American spirituals and Gospel songs, as well as popular songs. While in this area, the women in the choir will stay in the homes of the girls in Centreville High’s Bella Voce choir.