To the Editor: Using iPhones, iPods During School Lunch

To the Editor: Using iPhones, iPods During School Lunch

As part of a Scouting merit badge requirement to write to a local newspaper, I am writing to express my opinion about whether or not electronic devices should be allowed during lunch and other free times between classes at my school, Lake Braddock Secondary School. I think students should be able to use their iPhones or iPods during lunch, because all you're doing is eating. It's pretty boring. I don't understand why this would be an interruption. Lunch should be a break from our classes and a chance to relax. Teachers allow us to use phones during class so many of us are bringing them to school anyway. I think we should be allowed to use them during our free time, too, instead of worrying about having them in our lockers, where they might be stolen. If schools are asking us to use our electronic devices, why not allow us a little freedom during our down time?

Alex Serote