Thursday/July 18
Alexandria — Meeting. 12:15 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club welcomes David DeCamp to discuss the Columbia Pike Streetcar. Visit
Saturday/July 20
Open House. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Ft. Barnard Community Garden, located on Walter Reed next to Fire Station #9. Including public information sessions for those interested in hosting pallet gardens. Contact Susanna McIlwaine at or Cindy Gossman at
Wednesday/July 24
Neighborhood Town Hall. 6:46 p.m. at Westover Branch Library, 1644 N. McKinley Road. County residents are welcome to attend any session to speak directly with County Board Members on any topic. Call 703-228-3130.
Audition Deadline. The deadline for video submissions for Signature Theatre’s “Signature Idol” is the end of the day Wednesday, July 24. Applicants can submit an audition by uploading a performance to YouTube and sending the video to Performance can be a cappella or with accompaniment. Finalists will be notified by email and must be available for rehearsal and open house on Aug. 3. Previous participants in the competition or performers previously paid to perform on the Signature stage are not eligible to audition.
Thursday/July 25
Meeting. 12:15 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club welcomes speakers Mitch Opalski and Carolyn Richar. Visit
Saturday/July 27
Home and Garden Program. 10 a.m. at the Fairlington Community Center, 3308 S. Stafford St. Learn about common insect pests and steps to control them. This program is free for all. Call 703-228-6414 or email
Thursday/Aug. 1
Meeting. 12:15 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club welcomes Assistant District Governnor Joe Luquire. Visit
Thursday/Aug. 8
Meeting. 12:15 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club welcomes naval historian Tom Hone. Visit
Saturday/Aug. 10
ESOL Tutor Training Workshop. James Lee Community Center, 2855 Annandale Road, Falls Church. Three consecutive Saturdays, Aug. 10, 17 and 24. Cost is $50 for books, materials and ongoing resources. E-mail or call 703-237-0866 x111.
Thursday/Aug. 22
Meeting. 12:15 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club welcomes District Governor Juanita Cawley. Visit
Thursday/Sept. 5
Meeting. 12:15 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club welcomes Stephen Brundage for an update on Africa. Visit
Saturday/Sept. 7
Information Session. 10 a.m.-noon at the Arlington Foster Care/Adoption Program, 2100 Clarendon Blvd. Information on adoption, children’s needs, foster family support and certification process. Call 703-228-1559 or e-mail
Thursday/Sept. 12
Meeting. 12:15 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club welcomes Pete Smith, owner of SmithImpact. Visit
Thursday/Sept. 19
Meeting. 12:15 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club welcomes Sue Pyatt, owner of Kinderhaus Toys. Vist
Saturday-Sunday/Sept. 28-29
Bead & Jewelry Show . 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Taking Place at Northern Virginia Community College, 8333 Little River Turnpike (Route 236), Annandale, VA in Building CE. The event, put on by The Northern Virginia Bead Society, costs $6. For tickets visit
Thursday/Nov. 21
Meeting. 12:15 p.m. at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club foundation talk. Visit
Thursday/Dec. 5
Meeting. 12:15 at La Cote d’Or, 6876 Lee Highway. The Arlington Rotary Club election of officers. Visit
Competitive Exhibit
Apply. Arlington County Fair has released its 2013 Competitive Exhibits Guide. The theme for Competitive Exhibits is “Explore Arlington” and celebrates the many opportunities Arlington offers residents and visitors. Categories for participation range from fine arts, photography, and ceramics to baked goods, flowers, and food preservation. Information and guidelines can be found in the official Competitive Exhibits Guide located in most community centers, libraries, and online at The entry form and entry tags are included in the Guide and can be downloaded separately from the Fair website.
Studio Space Available. The Arlington Arts Center, located at 3550 Wilson Blvd., invites visual artists to apply for an artist residency program. The program provides spacious studios, subsidized rent and creative community for growing artists. Deadline to apply is Aug. 1. Notifications are sent Aug. 12. for studio move-in on Sept. 1. Call 703-248-6800.
Call for William T. Newman, Jr. Spirit of Community Award Nominations. Forms must be submitted to the Foundation by Friday, July 26, 2013. Forms and other information can be found at This award is given to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional leadership and has made an extraordinary contribution to the Arlington Community.
The Animal Welfare League of Arlington is at capacity for cats. They have an urgent need for adopters or fosters. The adult cat adoption fee is normally $100, but AWLA is offering an adoption incentive throughout June—“Three Name Your Fee.” Folks who adopt cats 3 years old and over not only can name their price, but their adoption fee will also include: a certificate for a free exam with a participating veterinarian, spay or neuter surgery, a feline leukemia and feline AIDS test, a distemper vaccination, a personalized I.D. tag, a microchip, an information packet and an emergency sticker.
Arlington Food Assistance Center and Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners are hosting weekly vegetable gardening talks throughout the summer at Central Library in Arlington. These informal talks are held outdoors at the demonstration garden on the east side of Arlington Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St. The talks are held on most Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. through mid-October. Additional information about the Central Library garden, including descriptions about each talk, can be found online at No registration is required. Outdoor talks will be cancelled in event of heavy rain at class time.
The Arlington Food Assistance Center is asking local gardeners to grow seedlings to help Arlington families in need. AFAC’s Plot Against Hunger program collects fresh produce for AFAC clients, and will provide free seeds to gardeners who are willing to donate all or a portion of the seedlings and vegetables they grow. Some of the donated seedlings will be distributed to AFAC clients who can grow food for themselves, and the rest will be planted in Plot Against Hunger gardens around the county, producing food for AFAC clients. All donated vegetables go directly to AFAC clients. To obtain free seeds for an individual or community “Plot Against Hunger” garden, or to help in other ways, call Puwen Lee at 703-845-8486, or send an email to
The Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority announces that cyclists and pedestrians will now have access to the W&OD Trail beyond normal daylight hours. The new W&OD Trail hours are from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., from Shirlington in Arlington County, all the way to the western town limit of Herndon in Fairfax County.
The Arlington Senior Golf Club, sponsored by the Office of Senior Adult Programs, is looking to expand its membership roster of players. ASGC is open to Arlington residents, men and women, 55 years of age and older. All skill levels are welcome. ASGC members play on Tuesdays and Thursdays at more than 20 courses in Northern Virginia with reasonable green fees between April and October. Tee times are available from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Contact President John Mashaw at 703-892-3793, johnmashaw@comcast.net_ or Membership Chairman Terry Townshend at 703-971-3124.
Alzheimer’s Association Support Group has meetings on the third Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. at Carlin Springs Health Pavilion, 601 S. Carlin Springs Road and also the first and third Thursday at 10 a.m. at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 4000 Lorcom Lane. They are open to people with Alzheimer’s, their caregivers, family members and friends. Free. Call the Alzheimer's Association 24/7 Helpline at 703-359-4440 or 800-272-3900 before attending a group for the first time to verify meeting information, obtain directions or other information about the group. A complete list of all groups in the National Capital Area region can be viewed at
PFLAG of Arlington. Second Sunday at 3 p.m. PFLAG promotes the equality and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered persons and their families. Meets on the second Sunday of each month, at the Unitarian Universalist Church at George Mason Drive and Route 50. Contact
Free Mall Walking Program for Seniors. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. Walk at your own pace in a safe and friendly environment. Group stretch and cool down led by hospital staff. Call 703-558-6859. Ballston Common Mall (Food Court Level), 4238 Wilson Blvd.
Strength & Stretch For Seniors. Mondays and Thursdays at 1 p.m. Improve range of motion, strength & bone health. All abilities welcome. $42. Mondays at Virginia Hospital Center, 1701 N. George Mason Dr. Thursdays at Health Pavilion, 601 S. Carlin Springs Road.
Gentle Pilates. Saturdays at 9 and 11:35 a.m. A non-traditional mat Pilates class with modifications to suit all abilities. Learn proper form, strengthen core muscles and improve posture. $78. Virginia Hospital Center, 1701 N. George Mason Dr.
Gentle Yoga. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Restore flexibility, strength and ease tension. All levels welcome. $66. Health Pavilion, 601 S. Carlin Springs Road. Call 703-558-6859.
Tai Chi. Thursdays at 6: 15-7:15 p.m. Combine slow, flowing movements of Tai Chi and Qi Gong postures to foster a healthy, balanced mind and body. $80. 601 S. Carlin Springs Road. Call 703-558-6859.
Yoga for Everybody. Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. This traditional approach to yoga reduces stress and increases strength and flexibility. $66. Health Pavilion, 601 S. Carlin Springs Road. Call 703-558-6859.
Adaptive/Seated Yoga. Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m. For older or physically challenged adults with limited mobility, chronic pain or neuropathy. Adaptive yoga emphasizes breathing, gentle stretching and going at your own pace. $66 Health Pavilion, 601 S. Carlin Springs Road. Call 703-558-6859.
Lifeline Personal Alert System. Virginia Hospital Center Senior Health staff locally manage the personal emergency response system. Help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Monthly cost starts at $42. Call 703-558-6859 for more information.
Donations Needed. Our Lady Queen of Peace is seeking to replenish its food pantry. Particularly needed are rice (large bags appreciated, the pantry will rebag), dry beans, canned vegetables, soup, small jars of peanut butter, small jars of jelly, pasta and pasta sauce. 2700 South 19th St. Visit
Instruments Wanted. Instruments of any type or size — from a piano to a piccolo, for an orphanage in Haiti. Contact Miriam Miller, Opera Guild of Northern Virginia for pick up. 703-536-7557;;
Vounteers Needed
Advocates needed for Arlington Commission on Long-Term Care Residences, to advise public officials about long-term care needs in Arlington, and support access, availability and affordability in Arlington's long-term care residences. For an application, find the commission via the Agency on Aging website at or e-mail or contact the Agency on Aging at 703-228-1700 (Susan Lane) or via TTY 703- 228-1788.
Shirlington Music Festival. Volunteers needed on Aug. 22 for two shifts, 6-7:15 p.m. and 7:15-8:45 p.m.Volunteers 21 and older needed to pour wine, take tickets and discuss AFAC. Contact Gary Long at
AHC Inc. is looking for volunteers to help middle- and high-school students with homework, and to be role models and mentors. Volunteers are needed once a week for about an hour and a half, from 6 -7:30 p.m. or 6:30-8 p.m. at six different AHC community centers. Visit AHC's Teen Tutoring Program or call Mary Zambrano at 703-486-0626 ext. 140.
Arlington Meals on Wheels needs volunteers to deliver meals to homebound Mondays to Fridays, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Call 703-522-0811 or
Volunteers Needed. Arlingtonians Meeting Emergency Needs (AMEN Inc.) seeks volunteers who will take social workers’ calls from home 1-5 p.m., one or two weekday afternoons per month. Approve requests for emergency financial assistance for their clients. Must have some computer skills to record requests on AMEN’s laptop computer. Training and ongoing consultation provided. Contact 703-558-0035 or Visit
Arlington Commission on Long-Term Care Residences. Commission members are appointed by the County Board and must live or work in Arlington. For more information or an application, contact or Carolyn Ferguson at 703-228-1700, TTY 703-228-1788, or
The TreeStewards of Arlington and Alexandria are volunteers dedicated to improving the health of our urban trees through educational programs, tree planting and care, demonstrations and tree maintenance throughout the community. Applications now being accepted for the 2013 Class of TreeStewards. New volunteer training will be held on Wednesday evenings, starting Feb. 13 through April, with some Saturday mornings. Fun and interactive training is provided by recognized experts in tree care and citizen advocates. Visit or call 703-527-2349.
Northern Virginia Family Service seeks volunteers to serve as mentors to low-income seniors, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Volunteers will work one-on-one with seniors to help them plan and maintain monthly budgets, enroll in appropriate benefit programs and provide friendly support to lift the spirits of aging clients, among other duties. The position is located at Culpepper Gardens, 4435 North Pershing Dr. To sign up, please contact Navara Cannon at or call 571-748-2536.