The Great Falls Historical Society is preparing a documentary film on "Life in Great Falls, 1901 to 2000" as part of the upcoming Great Falls Day celebration, to be held on Sunday, May 5.
We invite you to share your memories, photographs, and/or artifacts by joining in any or all four "group conversations" about life in Great Falls scheduled for each Monday in February—the 4th, 11th, 18th, and/or 25th. The group conversations will begin at 11 a.m. with social conversations and potluck lunch (everyone brings a dish to share). We will prepare the questions, scan photos, and photograph artifacts, etc. during the social time. The filming will begin at 12:30 p.m. and will continue until everyone has had their say and the topic is fully discussed.
Here are the themes:
Feb. 4th—Family Life in Great Falls (family, home, household management, holiday and other celebrations, care of habitat around the home.)
Feb. 11th—Economic Life in Great Falls (dairy farming, Thelma's, Buck's Store, Fitzgerald's Store, other stores and local businesses that make up the fabric of Great Falls life), emergence of new economic activities (CIA, technology consultants, etc.). How residents earn their living.
Feb. 18th—Impact of Disruptive Events on Life in Great Falls (impact of the great depression, World War I, World War II, the Civil Rights movement, environment movement, women's rights, etc., breakthroughs in transportation, communications, globalization, etc. on local life.)
Feb. 25th—Social Life in Great Falls (church life, school life, community celebrations, the Grange community, role of the fire station in Great Falls life, Great Falls Park and other local parks, role of nature in family and community life).
To sign up, e-mail