CES To Hold Parent Workshops

CES To Hold Parent Workshops

— Centreville Elementary is holding an evening of parent workshops, Thursday, Feb. 28, and any parent in the community is welcome to attend. The school surveyed its population and will present information and advice on the four topics that generated the most response.

The program is called “Family Matters – Connecting With Your Child,” and the school is at 14330 Green Trails Blvd. (off Route 28) in Centreville. Pizza, beverages and ice cream will be available for purchase in the cafeteria from 6-6:45 p.m.

7-7:45 p.m. - Session One

* Raising Responsible Children - Learn ways to foster self-discipline, responsibility and personal accountability in children so they may become contributing members of the family and society. Room 122/124.

  • Motivating Students To Succeed in School - Motivation comes from within a person, but parents can cultivate qualities that help children become motivated to learn, including a sense of self-worth and perseverance in the face of challenges. Identify ways to encourage these qualities in children. Topics include goal-setting and positive self talk. Room 123.

8-8:45 p.m. - Session Two

  • Practicing Positive Discipline - Learn age-appropriate limits for children and get pointers on how to set and maintain them. Recognize the difference between discipline and punishment and the subsequent outcomes they generate. Strategies for encouraging positive behavior and discouraging negative behavior will be discussed. - Cafeteria.

  • Improving Study Skills - Learn strategies to help children develop effective study skills for lifelong learning. Topics include goal-setting, time management and study strategies. Room 106.

Anyone needing translation services or childcare for school-aged children only should contact school counselor Lee Kaiser at LRKaiser@fcps.edu.