Alexandria — The City Alexandria’s Urban Forestry Section will hold a tree sale on Saturday, Oct. 20 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Trinity Methodist Church, 2911 Cameron Mills Road. The goal of the sale is to promote the preservation of the Alexandria’s tree canopy by encouraging the planting of trees on private property throughout the City.
The city’s tree supplier, Denison Landscaping and Nursery of Fort Washington, Md., will provide a variety of trees, shrubs and annuals that are hardy and successful in this area. Trees and shrubs are sold in three to seven gallon containers that residents can easily handle and plant.
Residents can reserve trees for purchase in advance through Oct. 17. No deposit is necessary. To reserve a tree, call the City Arborist Office, at 703-746-5498 or email When reserving your trees, provide your name, telephone number, and the type and quantities of the tree desired.
Advance tree orders must be picked up between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20. Reserved trees not picked up by 10 a.m. on the day of the sale will be made available to the public.
For more information, call the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities’ Arborist office at 703-746-5498.