Arlington — Visit and click Department of Parks and Recreation for details on these fall events.
Saturday/Sept. 29
Your Retirement,Your Way, Information Fair, 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at Langston-Brown Community Center
Arlington Youth Fitness & Wellness Expo, 5-9 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Community Center
9-11 Heroes Run for Travis Manion Foundation, 8 a.m. Shirlington
Sunday/Sept. 30
LatinoAmerican Festival, 1-5 p.m. at Kenmore Middle School
Saturday/Oct. 6
Dogtober Day & Barkers Bash, 1-3 p.m. at Lacey Woods Park
Bon Air Memorial Rose Garden Celebration, 1-5 p.m. at Bon Air Park
Octoberfest, Shirlington
Copa Armistad Soccer Tournament, Gunston Middle School Arlington Fun Ride, South Four Mile Run Drive
Friday/Oct. 12
Susan G. Komen Washington 3-Day, walks through Crystal City and Rosslyn
Saturday/Oct. 13
Fall Heritage Festival, 1-5 p.m. Gulf Branch Nature Center
Kornhole Tournament, Kenmore Middle School
Friday-Sunday/Oct. 19-21
US Freedom Walk, walks throughout Rosslyn-Ballston corridor
Saturday/Oct. 27
Healthy Kids Fun Run, Pentagon
Family Fun Halloween Event, Walter Reed Community Center
Saturday/Nov. 3
Encampment of the 3rd US Regular Infantry, Ft. CF Smith
Saturday/Nov. 10
Long Branch Nature Center 40th Birthday, Long Branch Nature Center
Tuckahoe 5K, Tuckahoe Park and neighborhoods
Friday/Nov. 16
Fall Family Fun Campfire Night, Lubber Run Park
Saturday/Nov. 17
Rediscover 10K, Bluemont Park
Thursday/Nov. 22
Turkey Trot, Lyon Park and Ashton Heights neighborhoods
Saturday/Dec. 8
Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis, Pentagon Row