Alexandria — To the Editor:
We are writing because so often residents are slamming the good people that work for the City of Alexandria and we have just had such a wonderful experience, we wanted to share it with you.
After 19 years with an empty lot behind us, we learned that the property is to be developed with a single family, two- story home. We’re townhouse dwellers so who are we to complain about such low density! However, we wanted to follow the process and hope to be able to continue to use our back gate for deliveries. We met with planning and zoning’s zoning manager, Peter Leiberg and had numerous telephone calls and email messages with him, keeping us up-to-speed on where the process stands. He was incredibly patient and helpful, even working with his colleague Shanna Austin to help protect two trees on the adjacent property that help provide buffer between King Street and our back yard.
When the 10 owners in our little group contemplated replacing the back fences with taller ones, Mr. Leiberg walked me through the application and approval process. Donna Daily, Sandra Kyer, Tara Currie and Alonzo Hicks in the permitting office were very patient and helpful with that process as well.
Our city staff works long hours and too often there is only criticism of them. This is a perfect example of how caring they are to the people that call Alexandria home.
Ann and Rick Dorman