Alexandria — Send announcements to the Alexandria Gazette Packet, by e-mail to Deadline is Thursday at noon for the following week’s paper. Photos are encouraged.
T.C. Williams High School Band Tag Days are Sept. 29 and Nov. 3, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. The main fundraisers supporting the T.C. Williams bands. Uniformed band members will visit homes throughout the city to request donations to fund equipment and uniform purchases and maintenance, lesson scholarships, competition fees and other band expenses.
The Woodbridge Campus of Northern Virginia Community College welcomed several new faculty members for the fall 2012 semester, including a NOVA graduate, Ousmane A. Diall of Alexandria, who was assistant professor of mathematics and supervisor of the Woodbridge Campus Master Math Lab during the last academic year. He brings teaching experience from the Community College of Philadelphia, LaGuardia (N.Y.) Community College, Virginia Tech and George Mason University. He earned a master’s degree in mathematics at Virginia Tech and another master’s degree in statistical science at George Mason.
On Thursday, Sept. 13, Karen Leggett Abouraya and Susan L. Roth will celebrate the publication of Hands Around the Library, one of the the first children’s books about the Egyptian revolution, at Burgundy Farm Country Day School. Beginning at 9 a.m., Abouraya and Roth will meet with Burgundy students in Junior Kindergarten through fifth Grade to discuss the book. At 7:30 p.m., they will share their book with a wider community during a public book launch party held at Burgundy. Visitors may view the original illustrations from the book, listen to celebratory music, hear Abouraya and Roth speaking about the book’s creation and may purchase signed copies of the book.
The following students are semifinalists in the 58th annual National Merit Scholarship Program: Richard T Horan and Kaitlyn M. Ugoretz of Episcopal High School; Anna M. Rapp of Bishop Ireton High School; Evan R. Draim and Douglas T. Maggs of St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School, and Charlotte L. Clinger and Alexander M. Eichner of T.C. Williams High School.
James Madison University has announced that the following Alexandria students graduated with honors during the May 5th commencement exercises. Margaret Amos graduated with a bachelor of music degree. Abigail Agha graduated with a bachelor of social work degree. Johanna Salas graduated with a bachelor of music degree. Amanda Beyland graduated with a bachelor of social work degree.
Anastasia C. Voellm, the daughter of Frederick and Catalina Voellm of Alexandria, was recognized as a member of “The Academy’s Own” for assisting the Admission Department. She was honored during the Randolph Macon Academy’s awards ceremony on May 14.
Andrea T. Brendalen, of Alexandria, VA has been named to the dean’s list for the spring 2012 semester at the University of Vermont. Brendalen is a junior Environmental Sciences major in the Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources.
Gettysburg College students Kelly McGrath, Cheryl Olechnowicz, and Kateryna Savchyn, all of Alexandria, were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2012 semester.
Tressa Seetin, of Alexandria, graduated Cum Laude with a bachelor of arts degree in environmental studies and a minor in women's studies from Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia. Seetin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Seetin of Alexandria.
The following University of Mississippi students are listed on the Chancellor’s Honor Roll for the spring 2012 semester. For the honor, a grade-point average of from 3.75 through 4.0 is required of full-time students carrying at least 12 semester hours.
Ashton Elizabeth Hellmuth of Alexandria.
Nolan Peters, of Alexandria, 9th grade, was named to the Honors List for Trimester 3 at Saint James School (MD). Parents are Mr. Theodore Peters and Mrs. Kristin Davidson.
Ellie Barton (12th grade) was on the Honors List at Saint James School (MD).. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Barton.
Thirteen Alexandria residents graduated from Radford University at the end of the spring semester.
Earning Bachelor of Science degrees were Arthur Alexander Gosline, interdisciplinary studies; Albert C. Gross, recreation, parks and tourism; Rebecca Ilana Siegal, anthropological sciences; James Robert McConville, political science; Terra O. Newman, foods and nutrition; Chad Bradley Rogers, geospatial science; Brittany Leigh Booterbaugh, foods and nutrition; Chloe Catherine Edwards, psychology; and Fletcher Dennis Walters, criminal justice.
Earning a Master of Science degree was Joseph Charles Shaul, psychology.
Earning a Bachelor of Art degree was Deanna Marie Kelson Doyle, art.
Earning a certificate in information security was Carroll Lee Wongchote.
Earning a Master of Social Work degree was Mahlet Mekonnen
Two Bishop Ireton rising seniors have been named Finalists for the 2012 Positive Coaching Alliance Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship Award: Tommy Kelly of Alexandria and Camille Weber of Springfield. The PCA awards post-secondary education scholarships to dozens of high school athletes in selected geographic regions: Chicago, Eastern Massachusetts, Houston, New York City Tri-State Area, Northern California, North Texas and Washington, D.C.
The following students from Alexandria enrolled at Virginia Tech were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2012 semester:
*Austin C. Gage is a senior majoring in political science in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.
*Christopher J. Boucher is a senior majoring in sociology in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.
*D'Elia M. Chandler is a junior majoring in English in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.
*Samuel J. Ferrara is a freshman majoring in civil engineering in the College of Engineering.
*Andrew K. Kicinski is a sophomore majoring in mathematics in the College of Science.
*Sarah E. Tianti is a senior majoring in sociology in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.
*Renee C. Von Guggenberg is a sophomore majoring in biochemistry in the College of Science.
*Olivia N. Foroughi is a freshman majoring in sociology in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.
*Sandy S. Janwatin is a sophomore majoring in biological sciences in the College of Science.
*Marin A. Nolan is a freshman majoring in psychology in the College of Science.
*Robert S. Smith is a senior majoring in computer science in the College of Engineering.
*Rebecca L. Stone is a freshman majoring in architecture in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies.
*Molly E. Vaughan is a sophomore majoring in interior design in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies.
*Florence C. Graham is a senior majoring in architecture in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies.
*Vamseedhar Gunduboina is a senior majoring in aerospace engineering in the College of Engineering.
*Peter T. Raum is a senior majoring in physics in the College of Science.
*Elizabeth M. Luby is a senior majoring in biological systems engineering in the College of Engineering.
*Rachel M. Montoni is a senior majoring in human nutrition, foods and exercise in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
*Robert J. Calvey is a senior majoring in architecture in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies.
*Daniel A. Chique Canache is a senior majoring in engineering science and mechanics in the College of Engineering.
*Michael L. Chung is a senior majoring in biological sciences in the College of Science.
*Kellie M. Del Signore is a sophomore majoring in human development in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.
*John E. Hartley is a sophomore majoring in hospitality and tourism management in the Pamplin College of Business.
*Stephanie M. Mateus is a junior majoring in psychology in the College of Science.
*Christine R. McCoy is a senior majoring in economics in the College of Science.
*Daniel J. Noelle is a senior majoring in chemical engineering in the College of Engineering.
*Eduardo A. Ramirez is a sophomore majoring in general engineering in the College of Engineering.
*Thinh C. Trinh is a senior majoring in biological sciences in the College of Science.
*Erika L. Weidman is a senior majoring in biochemistry in the College of Science.
*Patricia I. Welling is a junior majoring in biological sciences in the College of Science.
Bucknell University has conferred bachelor’s and master’s degrees to students who completed their graduation requirements during the summer. Degrees were awarded in July for studies in liberal arts and professional programs in engineering, education, management and music.
Ryan S. Gribbon of Alexandria, daughter of Michael and Gage Gribbon and a graduate of St. Stephens & St. Agnes School, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.
The following Virginia Military Institute cadets are among the 586 cadets who were recently named to the Deans' List for the second semester of academic year 2011-12. To be eligible for the Dean's List, a cadet must have a term grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and no grade below C.
*William D. Alewine - A senior from Alexandria, VA is majoring in Economics/Business. Cadet Alewine's parents are MAJ William R. Alewine and Ms. Sherry A. Smith.
*Alexandra L. Hastings - A sophomore from Alexandria, VA is majoring in Modern Languages & Cultures. Cadet Hastings's parents are Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hastings Jr.
*Michael W. Hixson - A senior from Alexandria, VA is majoring in Chemistry. Cadet Hixson's parents are Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Hixson.
*Kenia R. Hurtado - A junior from Alexandria, VA is majoring in International Studies. Cadet Hurtado's parents are Mr. & Mrs. Antonio L. Hurtado.
*Brett R. Kitchen - A senior from Alexandria, VA is majoring in Computer Science. Cadet Kitchen's parents are Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Kitchen.
*Ray D. Montolin - A junior from Alexandria, VA is majoring in International Studies. Cadet Montolin's parent is Ms. Lydia G. Padilla.
*Ryan F. Schaedel - A recent graduate from Alexandria, VA. Cadet Schaedel's parents are Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Schaedel.
The following Virginia Tech students were among those honored at the university's spring commencement ceremony held May 11 in Lane Stadium. Approximately 5,000 bachelor's degree, master's degree, and Ph.D. candidates along with their families and friends attended the on-campus ceremony presided by Virginia Tech President Charles W. Steger. First lady Michelle Obama and U.S. Sen. Mark Warner, D-VA, addressed Virginia Tech’s Class of 2012 during University Commencement exercises.
Madeleine Byrnes
25 West Myrtle St
Alexandria, VA 22301
Byrnes received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree magna cum laude in civil engineering from the College of Engineering.
Austin Gage
107 W Nelson Ave
Alexandria, VA 22301
Gage received a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.
Christopher Boucher
1123 Bayliss Dr
Alexandria, VA 22302
Boucher received a Bachelor of Science degree cum laude in sociology from the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.
Liesel Benjamin
268 Stevenson Sq South
Alexandria, VA 22304
Benjamin received a Bachelor of Science degree in human nutrition, foods and exercise from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Nagina Bhatti
5361 Taney Avenue #201
Alexandria, VA 22304
Bhatti received a Bachelor of Science degree in biological sciences from the College of Science.
Robert Smith
900 N Howard St
Alexandria, VA 22304
Smith received a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from the College of Engineering.
Selome Assefa
5422 Bradford Court Apt 243
Alexandria, VA 22311
Assefa received a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from the College of Science.
Florence Graham
4616 Latrobe Place
Alexandria, VA 22311
Graham received a Bachelor of Architecture degree summa cum laude in architecture from the College of Architecture and Urban Studies.
Vamseedhar Gunduboina
5443 Sheffield Ct No 213
Alexandria, VA 22311
Gunduboina received a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering degree cum laude in aerospace engineering from the College of Engineering.
Elizabeth Luby
312 1 2 N Henry St
Alexandria, VA 22314
Luby received a Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering degree in biological systems engineering from the College of Engineering.
Rachel Montoni
223 North Royal Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Montoni received a Bachelor of Science degree in human nutrition, foods and exercise from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Gail Carter
Alexandria, VA 22303
Carter received a Master of Natural Resources degree in Natural Resources from the College of Natural Resources and Environment.
ACPS offers free Health and Immunization Fair from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. ACPS school nurses will host the fair at the Alexandria Health Department at 4480 King St., Alexandria. The event is for ACPS students in kindergarten through fifth grade who still need immunizations, tuberculin screening, or physical examinations in order to complete registration. To register a student for the event, call 703-698-2550.
Carlos Gonzalez named new Band Director at T.C. Williams. The Marching Titans began their three-week band camp with new director Carlos Gonzalez at the helm. Gonzalez will lead the Marching Titans in a fall halftime show featuring music from Cirque du Soleil’s “La Nouba.”
NOVA expands online learning program so students can earn a degree or certificate in 40 different programs completely online. Courses are structured similar to traditional classroom instruction and most exams can be completed using a webcam wherever Internet access is available. Support services include around-the-clock technical assistance and tutoring, success coaches, counselors, librarian, and financial aid. In addition, free webinars and tutorials cover such topics as orientation, library resources, career options and more. Registration is taking place now for nearly 400 courses that begin Aug. 22, Sept. 5, Sept. 26 and Oct. 17. Students can choose eight-week, 12-week or 16-week courses. To learn more, go to or call 703-323-3807.
ACPS School Nutrition Services (SNS) seeks new members for its advisory group, a collection of Alexandrians who meet at least twice each year. The advisory group provides SNS with feedback about school food services and activities and helps spread the word about SNS missions and objectives. In addition, parents who belong to the advisory group often provide contacts to community resources, such as chefs who can conduct demonstrations at ACPS. The advisory group is also instrumental when it comes to special SNS-related programs, such as Farm2School Week held each November, Strawberries and Salad Greens Day in May and National Nutrition month in March. Are you interested in serving? Email
The Hammerheads Afterschool Club will hold its first meeting on Thursday, September 20 in the George Washington Middle School Campus Technology Room (C200/C202) from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. In partnership with The Alexandria Seaport Foundation, the club will meet each Thursday after school and help students learn basic carpentry skills and related math skills through the fun of building items such as model boats, skateboards and guitar boxes. Late buses are available to get students home. Email for more information and view the flyer for the program here:
Cara Donley, daughter of Kerry and Eva Donley, graduated from Indiana University in June. While at Indiana, Cara was a member of the Women's Rowing Team and served as captain her Junior and Senior years. She was named Academic All-Big Ten in 2010, 2011 and 2012. She was named Most Dedicated Athlete in 2010, won IU's Big Ten Sportsmanship Award in 2011 and was named 2nd Team All-Big Ten in 2012. She was a 2008 graduate of T. C. Williams.
Michaela Reilly Balderston of Alexandria, a graduate of T.C. Williams High School, earned Dean's Award for academic excellence at Colgate University. To be eligible for the award, a student must achieve a 3.30 or higher average while enrolled in four courses. Balderston concentrated in Political Science and Middle Eastern Studies and Islamic Civilization.
The following Alexandria students have graduated from James Madison University during the May 5 commencement exercises. Jacob Cochran graduated with a bachelor of science degree in health sciences. Randall eyre graduated with a bachelor of science degree in health sciences. Alexandra Fracasso graduated with a bachelor of science degree in health sciences. Priyaliben Patel graduated with a bachelor of science degree in health sciences. Kevin Vasquez graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in history. Jayne Haley graduated with a bachelor of business administration degree in hospitality and tourism management. Rebecca Knutsen graduated with a bachelor of business administration degree in hospitality and tourism management. Allen Frazier graduated with a bachelor of science degree in intelligence analysis. Wyatt Floyd graduated with a bachelor of science degree in interdisciplinary liberal studies. Caitlin Shott graduated with a bachelor of science degree in interdisciplinary liberal studies. Penelope Jane Norton graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in international affairs. Lynsey Carter graduated with a bachelor of science degree in kinesiology. Billy Chong graduted with a bachelor of science degree in kinesiology. Jamie Coder graduted with a bachelor of science degree in kinesiology. Benjamin Hughes graduated with a bachelor of business administration degree in management. Audrey Sedlacek of Alexandria graduated with a bachelor of business administration degree in management. Leslie Spotswood graduated with a bachelor of business administration degree in management. Amanda Jennison graduated with a bachelor of business administration degree in marketing. Kelsey Rybicki graduated with a bachelor of science degree in media arts and design. Irene Dellet graduated with a bachelor of science degree in media arts and design. Joseph Schoen graduated with a bachelor of science degree media arts and design. Ashleigh Gunderson graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology. Christine Ryder graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology. Erin Spence graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology. Julio Arriaza graduated with a bachelor of science degree in sociology. Joseph Naca graduated with a bachelor of science degree in sociology. Stacey Sulko graduated with a bachlor of arts degree in theatre and dance.