Alexandria — Elinor Ginzler will be the recipient of At Home in Alexandria’s (AHA!) first National Spirit Award, according to the its board of directors. On Oct. 19, the 2012 National Spirit Award will be presented to Ginzler at AHA!'s Benefit, to be held at the United Way World Wide Headquarters in Alexandria. At Home in Alexandria will recognize Ginzler’s career, spanning more than 35 years, in which she has devoted herself to identifying and providing solutions to aging issues.
Ginzler is currently the senior director of the Center for Supportive Services at the Jewish Council for the Aging in Rockville, Md. She oversees a medical adult day center, a social day program for adults with early stage memory loss, caregiver education and support, senior transportation services and mobility management programs. She has been featured on national industry and consumer news outlets including The Today Show, The Wall Street Journal and National Public Radio. In addition, she is co-author with Hugh Delehanty of “Caring for Your Parents – The Complete Family Guide,” published by Sterling Publishing.