Alexandria — LET'S TOAST OUR TOWN - 'Towners, this isn't your mother's party do we're touting here today. No siree. The one I have in mind begs you to show up. It promises to please. It sings. It swings. It's sooo 21st century. It's for a noble notable cause and it's coming up just around the corner — Nov. 10 to be precise. Stay tuned.
Ever heard of "Toasting Our Town," sponsored as a clever and effective fund-raiser for the Historic Alexandria Foundation? You will. It's actually been a player on the local preservation and restoration scene for a few years. But now it can say it deserves to play with the big boys.
"Toasting" was conceived as a substitute for the HAF's mega fundraiser via its annual Antiques Show and preview gala. While some of us old-timers might argue that nothing could replace or replicate the HAF antiques do — as well as the thousands of dollars for historic preservation it raised each year — this new kid on the block is sure trying.
"Toast" in its purist form is really a big silent auction-fueled cocktail party — but talk about gaining traction in the highly-competitive world of fund-raising, this party sizzles.
Let's start with the folks who make this gala happen. Co-chairs are Mason and Clark Bavin and Ashley and Lawrence O'Connor. Leaders of the worker bees backing them up are Mia and Tim Bass, Julianne and Tim Belevetz, Catherine and Richard Bolton, Morgan Delaney, Charlotte and John Grzebien, Amy and David Heiden, Mary and Ed Heiden, Carrie Heiden, Osborne Mackie, Anna and Greg May, Patricia and Latane Montague, Karen and Bill Sauers, Sue and Graham Setliff, Beverly and John Stinson, Hartley and Kevin Wensing, and Katie and Hack Wiegmann.
Venue for the Toast is the venerable Athenaeum, one of Old Town's Greek Revival treasures at 201 Prince St., running from 7 to 9 p.m. And for $75 per person your tummies can partake of goodies including a wonderful line-up of wines and mouth-watering hors d'oeuvres. Old Town's "Grape and Bean" has selected a smashing line-up of wine.
The best line in all of what I've told you to date is that proceeds from the event benefit the Historic Alexandria Preservation Fund. Another spiffy feature of the evening is that wines can be ordered for pick up or delivery by the bottle or case. Let me add that the featured silent auction aspect of the evening offers a treasure trove of imaginative auction items — such as two Redskins tickets, a historic house history by Ruth Lincoln Kay, a private tour of the National Portrait Gallery, a formal dinner at an Old Town historic home, restaurant gift certificates, a round of Golf at Belle Haven Country and much more.
To buy tickets online or for sponsoring opportunities dial in The HAF is a 501(c)3 charitable organization .
See you there, 'Towners. No autographs, please.
— Bob Feldkamp