Alexandria City Council Election Returns: Precinct By Precinct

Alexandria City Council Election Returns: Precinct By Precinct

How the candidates ranked in all of the city's voting precincts.

Election Day is in November.

Election Day is in November. Photo by Michael Lee Pope.

* Absentee Ballots: 64,082 votes

Allison Silberberg: 7,729 votes

Del Pepper: 7,728 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 7,180 votes

Justin Wilson: 6,759 votes

Paul Smedberg: 6,690 votes

Tim Lovain: 6,522 votes

* Mount Vernon Recreation Center: 12,122 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,568 votes

Justin Wilson: 1,525 votes

Del Pepper: 1,456 votes

Tim Lovain: 1,446 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,394 votes

Paul Smedberg: 1,384 votes

* Samuel Tucker School: 11,680 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,558 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,454 votes

Del Pepper: 1,436 votes

Justin Wilson: 1,328 votes

Tim Lovain: 1,244 votes

Paul Smedberg: 1,183 votes

* Cora Kelly Center: 11,211 votes

Del Pepper: 1,462 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,413 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,353 votes

Justin Wilson: 1,248 votes

Tim Lovain: 1,230 votes

Paul Smedberg: 1,123 votes

* James K. Polk School: 10,964 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,447 votes

Del Pepper: 1,279 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,265 votes

Justin Wilson: 1,187 votes

Tim Lovain: 1,173 votes

Paul Smedberg: 1,062 votes

* William Ramsay School: 10,593 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,377 votes

Del Pepper: 1,365 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,359 votes

Justin Wilson: 1,213 votes

Tim Lovain: 1,203 votes

Paul Smedberg: 1,093 votes

* George Washington Middle School: 10,555 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,370 votes

Justin Wilson: 1,345 votes

Tim Lovain: 1,266 votes

Del Pepper: 1,247 votes

Paul Smedberg: 1,160 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,189 votes

* John Adams School: 10,469 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,340 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,334 votes

Del Pepper: 1,312 votes

Justin Wilson: 1,206 votes

Tim Lovain: 1,191 votes

Paul Smedberg: 1,087 votes

* Nova Arts Center: 10,062 votes

Del Pepper: 1,244 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,243 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,189 votes

Justin Wilson: 1,074 votes

Tim Lovain: 1,052 votes

Paul Smedberg: 983 votes

* Temple Beth El Synagogue: 10,011 votes

Del Pepper: 1,187 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,164 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,086 votes

Frank Fannon: 1,003 votes

Tim Lovain: 960 votes

Alicia Hughes: 952 votes

* Douglas MacArthur School: 9,785 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,171 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,129 votes

Del Pepper: 1,022 votes

Frank Fannon: 1,011 votes

Tim Lovain: 952 votes

Paul Smedberg: 952 votes

* Fire Department Headquarters: 9,670 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,150 votes

Del Pepper: 1,048 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,031 votes

Bob Wood: 1,006 votes

Tim Lovain: 982 votes

Justin Wilson: 969 votes

* Lyles Crouch: 9,553 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,113 votes

Frank Fannon: 1,082 votes

Bob Wood: 1,047 votes

Del Pepper: 1,004 votes

Alicia Hughes: 973 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 933 votes

* Durant Center: 9,533

Allison Silberberg: 1,144 votes

Del Pepper: 1,083 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,025 votes

Justin Wilson: 1,000 votes

Tim Lovain: 968 votes

Paul Smedberg: 940 votes

* Lee Center: 9,311 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,091 votes

Del Pepper: 998 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 983 votes

Justin Wilson: 886 votes

Alicia Hughes: 884 votes

Tim Lovain: 875 votes

* Cameron Station: 8,945 votes

Del Pepper: 1,049 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,031 votes

Alicia Hughes: 925 votes

Tim Lovain: 912 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 900 votes

Justin Wilson: 846 votes

* Agudas Achim Synagogue: 8,406 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,262 votes

Del Pepper: 989 votes

Tim Lovain: 954 votes

Justin Wilson: 941 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 906 votes

Paul Smedberg: 865 votes

* Charles Beatley Library: 8,329 votes

Del Pepper: 1,099 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,125 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,058 votes

Justin Wilson: 956 votes

Tim Lovain: 916 votes

Paul Smedberg: 898 votes

* Patrick Henry Recreation Center: 8,272 votes

Del Pepper: 1,163 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 1,029 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,029 votes

Justin Wilson: 931 votes

Tim Lovain: 882 votes

Paul Smedberg: 835 votes

* Chinquapin Park: 8,141 votes

Allison Silberberg: 1,018 votes

Del Pepper: 973 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 958 votes

Justin Wilson: 843 votes

Tim Lovain: 837 votes

Paul Smedberg: 785 votes

* Maury School: 8,097 votes

Allison Silberberg: 970 votes

Tim Lovain: 934 votes

Justin Wilson: 903 votes

Paul Smedberg: 893 votes

Frank Fannon: 885 votes

Del Pepper: 884 votes

* George Mason School: 7,825 votes

Tim Lovain: 994 votes

Frank Fannon: 941 votes

Allison Silberberg: 878 votes

Bob Wood: 827 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 781 votes

Paul Smedberg: 758 votes

* South Port: 7,531 votes

Del Pepper: 982 votes

Allison Silberberg: 940 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 904 votes

Tim Lovain: 761 votes

Paul Smedberg: 757 votes

Alicia Hughes: 698 votes

* Blessed Sacrament Church: 7,537 votes

Tim Lovain: 973 votes

Allison Silberberg: 867 votes

Frank Fannon: 855 votes

Paul Smedberg: 776 votes

Del Pepper: 760 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 752 votes

* City Hall: 6,025 votes

Frank Fannon: 871 votes

Bob Wood: 820 votes

Allison Silberberg: 715

Alicia Hughes: 712 votes

Del Pepper: 534 votes

Paul Smedberg: 500 votes

* Ladrey Senior Building: 5,338 votes

Allison Silberberg: 611 votes

Frank Fannon: 588 votes

Del Pepper: 587 votes

Bob Wood: 548 votes

Alicia Hughes: 544 votes

Paul Smedberg: 502 votes

* St. James Church: 4,546 votes

Allison Silberberg: 548 votes

Del Pepper: 504 votes

John Taylor Chapman: 501 votes

Justin Wilson: 488 votes

Tim Lovain: 462 votes

Paul Smedberg: 447 votes