Letter: Never Enough

Letter: Never Enough

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Once again the Democrat-majority Fairfax County Board of Supervisors gives the hard-pressed taxpayer one in the eye. With the nation’s public debt heading into the stratosphere, yet more money is to be taken from those that actually pay taxes (primarily homeowners) to sate the supervisors’ appetites. But wait, Supervisor Hudgins (Hunter Mill District) has come up with a novel justification.

"I don’t think taxes are a burden," she opined, "they’re a price we pay for a civilized community." So that’s all right, then. The higher the taxes, the more "civilized" the community? Not a penny, apparently, can be cut from the overall budget covering the county’s "essential" services. The Citizen Handbook listing the county’s myriad offices, "services," and assorted taxes gets bigger by the year. Don’t drop it on your foot!

Harry Locock
