Letter: Live Within One’s Means

Letter: Live Within One’s Means

To the Editor:

As a resident of the Mount Vernon community for 36 years, I enjoy the Gazette every week. But I have never felt compelled to write a letter to the editor until I read the front page article about the proposed meals tax. I am sick and tired of politicians offering citizens limited choices when it comes to taxes. According to Gerry Hyland, our only two choices are a meals tax or an increase in our property tax. There are two other choices which need to be aired and discussed.

The first is to do nothing and continue to fund schools and roads at existing levels. The second is to decide that schools and roads are more important than some other budget items and take money from other accounts to increase funding for schools and roads.

I live within my means and I expect my government to do the same. When I want to spend money on something new I have to make a choice. I can generate a new source of income (not from my fellow citizens, mind you), I can spend less of my budget on other items, or I can simply do without.

Our elected leaders should learn to live within the existing budgets that we taxpayers generate for them. It’s way too easy to only think of solutions that require more funds when you’re spending other people’s money.

So Gerry, don’t offer me only two choices, when both require increased taxes. Offer me choices that don’t include increased taxes. I think the citizens who were interviewed outside the Roy Rogers restaurant had it about right. Taxes are high enough. Live within our means and prioritize spending.

James R. Lauducci

Mount Vernon