Alexandria — The summer is in full swing at the Gazette, with many interns and staff members focused on some light and some more serious summer projects.
At the end of July, we'll print our summer “Pet Gazette,” and we invite readers to send in stories and photos of your pets, and any story ideas you might have. We love to have photos of you or other family members with your pets. Please include your name, pet's name, town name and contact phone number, and identify the people in any photos.
Through July we will be working on our annual Insider's Edition: Newcomers and Community Guide, which will publish Aug. 22. We need input from our readers on many aspects of this guide.
Through narrative, tips from readers, listings, viewpoints and photographs, we endeavor to capture what it means to live here. We'll compile highlights of places to visit and things to do, a snapshot of local history, help finding community resources and tips on lesser known wonders in our communities.
As a local, weekly newspaper, the Gazette’s mission is to bring the news you need about your community, to give you the information you need to enjoy the best things in and near your community, to advocate for community good, to provide a forum for dialogue on local concerns, and to celebrate and record milestones and events in community and people's lives.
We invite newcomers to the area and long-time residents alike to be a part of providing more reader input.
We appreciate readers' ideas. If you see something that you think might be a story, or something you have a question about, give us a call, or drop us a line. If you know of a person or an organization doing important work, something that might make a good feature story, let us know.
For our Insider's Guide, we are looking for your tips. What is one place you think is a “must see” for newcomers? What’s your suggestion for ways to get involved in the community?
What are you most concerned about in your community? What do you think the top news stories will be in the coming months?
We also need input from community organizations to update listings and upcoming events.
Send information by Aug. 1 to