The 2012 ViennaTysons Regional Chamber of Commerce installed the 2012 Board of Directors on Jan. 19 at a luncheon at Maggiano’s restaurant. Photo by Donna Manz.
Vienna — On Jan. 19, the ViennaTysons Regional Chamber of Commerce [VTRCC] installed its 2012 Board of Directors in a luncheon program at Maggiano’s at Tysons Galleria. About 90 Chamber members attended to thank the 2011 Board and welcome the incoming one. Local attorney Kevin McCoy of Kruchko and Fries took over the gavel, as Chairman of the Board, from past Chair Cory Scott of Tysons Corner Center management. Lisa Huffman, who took over as VTRCC president in late 2011, swore in the new Board of Directors.
McCoy’s goals as Chairman are to continue to grow Chamber membership and to continue to provide new and better benefits to VTRCC’s members. "We’re going to try to create new programs that represent the diversity of businesses in the Vienna-Tysons area," McCoy said. The Business-to-Business trade show, Opportunity 2012, now going into its third year, is scheduled for April 13.
McCoy said that the overwhelming majority of VTRCC members have ten employees or fewer. "Our Chamber membership is still very much small-business oriented," said McCoy. Even as the Chamber embraces new businesses in the Tysons area, VTRCC has no plan to leave behind small businesses. "I’m in a small business myself," said McCoy.
VTRCC awarded Le-Ha Anderson, youth and education committee chair, its 2011 Outstanding Board Member Service Award. Anderson works for Dominion Virginia Power and coordinates the student recognition luncheon and exhibition that highlights the area’s public schools.
VTRCC’s 19th Annual Casino Night and Taste of the Town returns to Westwood Country Club on March 3. New this year to the gala event, a Monte Carlo theme, are slot machines. For more information on sponsorship or to purchase tickets, call the VTRCC office at 703-281-1333 or go to