Potomac — Email announcements to almanac@connectionnewspapers.com. Deadline is Thursday at noon.
Tuesday/Dec. 11
Bereavement Workshop. 1-2:30 p.m. “Winter Blues: Balancing Sorrow and Celebration while grieving.” For anyone grieving the death of a loved one. Free and open to any Montgomery County residents. Montgomery Hospice, 1355 Piccard Drive, Rockville. Registration required by calling 301-921-4400.
Saturday/Dec. 15
Pet Connect Rescue Adoption Cat Event. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. BARK! (Congressional Plaza) 1643 Rockville Pike. Visit www.petconnectrescue.org.
Wednesday/Dec. 19
Bereavement Workshop. 6:30-8 p.m. “Winter Blues: Balancing Sorrow and Celebration while grieving.” For anyone grieving the death of a loved one. Free and open to any Montgomery County residents. Montgomery Hospice, 1355 Piccard Drive, Rockville. Registration required by calling 301-921-4400.
Tuesday/Dec. 25
Volunteer. Participate in the 26th Annual Washington DC Jewish Community Center’s Day of Service. Join nearly 1,000 volunteers who will help out at more than 50 non-profits throughout D.C., Virginia and Maryland. Projects vary from 2-4 hours and encompass a variety of activities such as throwing holiday parties for children, visiting seniors and serving meals to the homeless. Family and group projects are also available. For more information and to register, visit www.washingtondcjcc.org/d25. There is a nominal registration fee of $20, which helps cover the cost of the event and other community service projects throughout the year.
Monday/Jan. 14
Job Search Training for Seniors. The Career Gateway, Jewish Council for the Aging’s innovative job search training program, kicks off its next session. Featuring small classes, individualized attention, 30 hours of instruction over five class days, and long-term mentors, The Career Gateway is open to job seekers age 50 and over. Classes are held at the Ann L. Bronfman Center, 12320 Parklawn Dr., Rockville. February and March classes also are open for registration. Call 301-255-4215 or visit our website, www.AccessJCA.org.
Open House. Har Shalom's Early Childhood Education Center, 11510 Falls Road, is having an open house from 10 a.m.-noon. Tour the building, observe classes and meet Rabbi Raskin, staff and current parents. Visit www.harshalomecec.org or call 301-299-7087.
Zumba at Village Yoga. An easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party. Classes are Tuesday nights, 7:15 p.m. and Saturdays 11:30 a.m. 10154 River Road. Call 301-299-1948.
Beginner’s Yoga Classes at Village Yoga. Village Yoga is adding a new Beginner’s Yoga Class, Mondays, 8 p.m. Continues our Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Beginner’s Gentle Flow class as well. 10154 River Road. 301-299-1948. Visit www.villageyogayogi.com.
Fenton Street Market. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturdays through Oct. 27. The market is located in downtown Silver Spring at One Veterans Plaza, intersection of Fenton and Ellsworth streets. It will not be open on Sept. 22.
Members Wanted. The Potomac Area Newcomers Club is a group of more than 200 women who have moved to the Potomac area. The club offers bridge, mah jong, book groups, golf, luncheons and museum trips as a way to help newcomers and current residents form new friendships, expand horizons and take advantage of opportunities in the Washington, D.C. area. Visit www.potomacnewcomers.com
Master Gardener Applications. Montgomery County residents interested in learning environmentally sound gardening practices and sharing the information with others can apply now to join the 2013 Montgomery County, Master Gardeners training program. To be placed on the application list, or for more information, call 301-590-2836. Class size in limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration deadline is Dec. 31, 2012. Training begins Jan. 22, 2013.
Free Parent-Child Playgroup. Every Monday at 9:30 a.m. at the Har Shalom Early Childhood Education Center. Meet new friends as you and your child play with age appropriate toys. Call 301-299-7087.
Volunteers Wanted
The Bethesda Urban Partnership is looking for volunteers to help assist with various local festivals including Taste of Bethesda on Oct. 6. E-mail info@bethesda.org.
CANTER-Mid Atlantic to open a racehorse rehabilitation program with donations from Delaware Park and the Delaware Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association earmarked to serve Delaware Park trainers and owners. To find an ex-race horse, volunteer, or make a donation, visit www.canterusa.org/midatlantic.
To become a volunteer Bike Patrol member on the C&O Canal, contact Norman Liebow at liebow@comcast.net or 301-714-2218.
The Greater Chesapeake and Potomac Blood Services Region of the American Red Cross is seeking volunteers to assist its blood collections staff at blood drives and blood donor centers. Call the American Red Cross Volunteer Office at 1-800-272-0094, ext. 1, or e-mail karlofft@usa.redcross.org.
Volunteers are needed to assist sexual assault victims and their families through the Victim Assistance and Sexual Assault Program of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services. To schedule an interview visit www.montgomerycountymd.gov/vasap or 240-777-1355.