Letter: Opposing Tysons’ Service District Tax

Letter: Opposing Tysons’ Service District Tax

To the Editor:

As a member of the Tysons Land Use Task Force involved in writing the Comprehensive Plan, and speaking on behalf of existing residential neighborhoods in the area, I am compelled to express total opposition to the Planning Commission's recommendation to fund 50 percent of Tysons Transportation costs from a "service district tax" on existing residential property owners.

This notion was never even suggested by county officials nor introduced for discussion during more than four years of public hearings and Task Force sessions related to drafting of the Comp Plan.

I am amazed that only two members of the Board of Supervisors have opposed this proposal on behalf of the residents they represent. The rest should be aware that while it is Tysons today, it could be their districts in the future that will bleed tax dollars for the future profits of developers.

Existing residences have been and will continue to be the victims of continued disruption, construction pollution, and deterioration or destruction of our residential atmosphere in and around Tysons for many years to come. To add insult to injury, the board is looking to tax us to pay for developer benefits.

We have already contributed, and continue to contribute, to necessary improvements for infrastructure and services in the county. Costs, instead, should properly be allocated to those entities that will benefit most from newly created neighborhoods and business locations.

The Board of Supervisors needs to be more creative and assertive in working with the General Assembly to get legislative authority to exempt residences from a special district tax as recommended by the Planning Commission.

Amy L. Tozzi
