<cal1>Wednesday/April 20
<cal2>Poetry Reading. 6:30 p.m. Dr. Akbar Ahmed will present his new poetry collection, "Suspended Somewhere Between." At Busboys and Poets, 4251 South Campbell Ave., Shirlington in Arlington.
"Understand Energy." 7 p.m. Try fun tools to increase your knowledge, save money and create an "energy-literate" Arlington. At the Columbia Pike Branch Library, 816 S. Walter Reed Drive, Arlington.
Book Talk. 2 to 4 p.m. With Williamson Murray, Ph.D. on his book, "The Shaping of Grand Strategy: Policy, Diplomacy and War. At the Potomac Institute, 901 North Stuart Street, Suite 200, Arlington. Contact Laurie Kinney at lkinney@potomacinstitute.org.
<cal1>Thursday/April 21
<cal2>Author Elaine Weiss. 10:45 a.m. Free. Optional $5 lunch. Will be speaking on her book, "Fruits of Victory." At Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6025 Little Falls Road, Arlington. RSVP by April 15 to theamcginnis@gmail.com or 607-425-4176.
Fertilizing Roses, Do’s and Don’ts. 7:30 p.m. Free. Program by Arlington Rose Foundation President Dave Maxwell. Learn and ask questions of this nationally published expert. At McLean Government Center, 1437 Balls Hill Rd, McLean. Call 703-371-9351.
Author Event with Tim O’Brien. 7 p.m. Hear Tim O'Brien, author of "The Things They Carried," a collection of powerful, short stories about American soldiers in Vietnam. At the Arlington Central Library auditorium.
Multimedia Oratorio. 7:30 p.m. Presented by Church of the Covenant. A multi-media version of John Stainer’s oratorio, The Crucifixion, along with Holy Communion. Pot luck supper at 6 p.m. At Church of the Covenant, 2666 Military Road, Arlington. Call 703-524-4115.
Maundy Thursday. 6:30 p.m. There will be a traditional loaves and fishes meal at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Eucharist and the stripping of the altar. All are invited to the service and are also asked to bring a can of tuna to donate to needy residents of Arlington County. Sponsored by St. John’s Episcopal Church, 415 South Lexington St., Arlington. Call 703-631-6834 or visit http://stjohnsarlington.thediocese.net/.
<cal1>Friday/April 22
<cal2>Comedian Erin Jackson. 9:55 p.m. Admission is $15. Known for her appearances on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" and Comedy Central’s "Live at Gotham." At the Arlington Drafthouse, 2903 Columbia Pike, Arlington. Visit http://ArlingtonDrafthouse.com.
Seven Last Words of Christ. 7 p.m. Presented by the Opera Guild of Northern Virginia. At the Memorial Baptist Church, 3455 North Glebe Road, Arlington. Call 703-536-7557 or mcdm1@verizon.net.
<cal1>Saturday/April 23
<cal2>Boundary Stone Bike Tour. 9:15 a.m. Cost is $2. Bike 35 miles visiting boundary stones and parks in Arlington, Alexandria, and Fairfax County. Meet at the entrance to East Falls Church Metro Station (under I-66 on Sycamore Street). Bring lunch, water, and any type of bike. No reservations necessary. Call Bernie Berne at 703-243-0179 or bhberne@yahoo.com.
Reading Rally Luncheon and Art Exhibit/Sale. 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Opera Guild of Northern Virginia will host the Reading Rally Luncheon and a Haiti Benefit Art Exhibit and Sale. The following artist-volunteers will be exhibiting works for sale: Carol Lopatin, Matt Malone, Lee Vaughn, and Alice Whealin. At the NRECA Building, 4301 Wilson Blvd., Arlington. Call 703-536-7557.
Book Talk. Noon. Cost is $15. Local authors Natalie Wexler and David Stewart will discuss their books. Wexler’s historical novel, A More Obedient Wife, is about two women married to early Supreme Court Justices James Iredell and James Wilson during the federal government’s first decade. Stewart's story of the Senate trial of Andrew Johnson, Impeached, is as gripping as any legal fiction. At NRECA Building, 4301 N. Taylor St., Arlington. Make reservations to Miriam Miller at mcdm1@verizon.net or 703-536-7557.
<cal1>Sunday/April 24
<cal2>Robert E. Lee Lecture. 2 p.m. "Southern H9onor and the Election of Abraham Lincoln." By noted Civil War historian Peter Carmichael. At Arlington House, the Robert E. Lee Memorial. Reservations required; call 703-235-1530.
<cal1>Tuesday/April 26
<cal2>Swing Dancing. 9 to 11 p.m. Admission is $10. With the band, Steve Smith and the Meteors. At the Clarendon Ballroom, 3185 Wilson Blvd., Arlington.
Russian Romantic Piano Music. 7:30 p.m. Presented by Brucker Hall Chamber Music Series, Pershing’s Own. At Brucker Hall, Fort Myer, Arlington. Call 703-696-3399 or visit www.usarmyband.com.
"Grace is Gone" Film. 6:30 p.m. Directed by James C. Strouse and starring John Cusack, Emily Churchill and Rebecca Spence. After his wife is killed serving in Iraq, a father takes his two daughters, ages 8 and 12, on a road trip where their innocent charm helps him rediscover a joy he thought he'd lost forever. At the Shirlington Branch Library.
<cal1>April 26 to June 12
<cal2>"Side by Side by Sondheim." At Signature Theatre, 4200 Campbell Ave., Arlington. Call 703-820-9771 or visit http://www.signature-theatre.org
<cal1>April 29 to May 1
<cal2>Dance Dreams in Black & White. Spring performance by BalletNova. Friday, April 29 at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, May 1 at 3 p.m. Tickets are $4 to $23. At Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre, 125 South Old Glebe Road, Arlington. Visit www.BalletNova.org. Call 703-778-3008, email info@BalletNova.org, or refer to the website at www.BalletNova.org.
<cal1>Thursday/April 28
<cal2>Book Signing. 7 to 9 p.m. Mystery author Beth Groundwater will discuss and sign copies of Deadly Currents, the first book in her new Rocky Mountain Outdoor adventures mystery series. At One More Page Books, 2200 North Westmoreland Street, Arlington.
Services for the Blind. 1 p.m. Free. Suchitra Maitra will discuss the homebound services and books by mail; Pete Davis will speak about the talking book program for the blind. Available from Arlington County Public Libraries. At Clarendon United Methodist Church, 606 N. Irving Street, Arlington. Contact Jane Dixon 703-465-0341 or jdixon580 @aol.com.
Pop! Goes the Chorus. 7:30 p.m. Presented by the U.S. Army Chorus. At Brucker Hall, Fort Myer, Arlington. Call 703-696-3399 or visit www.usarmyband.com.
Sex Rules! Safer sex lecturer Maria Falzone. 8 p.m. Tickets are $15/door. Visit www.comedyindc.com. At the Comedy Spot at Ballston Common Mall.
<cal1>Friday/April 29
<cal2>Poets Together. 7 p.m. Free. Amy Young, Alexandria's Poet Laureate, gathers a select group of local poets to mark the conclusion of the City of Alexandria's participation in National Poetry Month. She will be joined by spoken word poet Shelly Bell; 13 of Nazareth; Mary McElveen, former poet laureate of Alexandria; student poets; and others in a casual, interactive atmosphere. At the Athenaeum, 201 Prince Street, Alexandria. Call 703-548-0035 or visit www.nvfaa.org
Comedian Nick Thune. 9:55 p.m. Tickets are $20. At the Arlington Cinema and Draft House, 2903 Columbia Pike, Arlington. Visit http://ArlingtonDrafthouse.com.
<cal1>April 29 to May 8
<cal2>"King Lear Extended." Directed by Paata Tsikurishvili. Tickets are $40 and $55. Extended to the Synetic Theater in Crystal City. Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. At Synetic Theater at Crystal City, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington. Call 800-494-8497 or www.synetictheater.org.
<cal1>April 29, 30, May 1
<cal2>BalletNova Performance. "Dance Dreams in Black & White." Alum Mary Beth Hansohn and husband James Graber are returning to be guest performers with BalletNova. Friday, April 29 at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, May 1 at 3 p.m. At Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre, 125 South Old Glebe Road, Arlington. Tickets are $4 to $23, with student/senior discounts, and are available at www.BalletNova.org or at the BalletNova studio at 3443 Carlin Springs Road, Falls Church. Call 703-778-3008, email info@BalletNova.org, or refer to the website at www.BalletNova.org.
<cal1>Saturday/April 30
<cal2>Central Arlington History Tour. 9 a.m. Cost is $2. Walk from 1 to 12 miles visiting parks and historic sites in Clarendon, Ballston, Glencarlyn and surrounding areas. Bring lunch and water. Meet at the Clarendon Metro Station (top of escalator), SW corner of Wilson Blvd. and N. Highland Street, Arlington. Call Bernie Berne at 703-243-0179.
New Jersey band TAG. 8 p.m. TAG is a New Jersey based alternative rock band, fronted by veteran musician John Taglieri, touring on the strength of the band's debut album, Foreward (and John's eighth release overall). At RiRa’s, 2915 Wilson Blvd., Arlington.
Comedian Nick Thune. 9:55 p.m. Tickets are $20. At the Arlington Cinema and Draft House, 2903 Columbia Pike, Arlington. Visit http://ArlingtonDrafthouse.com.
Herb Gardening Demo. 9:30 a.m. Free. At the Sunny Garden at Bon Air Park. Complimentary refreshments, plants (while supplies last), informational brochures and planting tips will be available at the corner of Wilson Blvd and N. Lexington St.
Gardening for Birds & Butterflies. 10:30 a.m. Free. At the Sunny Garden at Bon Air Park. Complimentary refreshments, plants (while supplies last), informational brochures and planting tips will be available at the corner of Wilson Blvd and N. Lexington St.
Books, Blooms and Bites. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Both summer annuals and pass-along perennials will be available, along with bagged mulch, and a wide selection of used fiction, non-fiction, children's books, and electronic media. A cafe will be open for breakfast and lunch. Proceeds from the sale support charities and church benevolences. At Walker Chapel United Methodist Church, 4102 N. Glebe Road, Arlington. Call 703-5385200 or visit www.walkerchapel.org.
Move Me! Arts Experience Festival. 2 to 5 p.m. Free. The event incorporates a multitude of experiences, including dance, music, visual art, literary art, and fitness activities. At 3 p.m. the BMD Professional Company, the Kenmore Junior Company, and Dance for PD (Parkinson Disease) students will take the stage for a one-hour performance paying tribute to Duke Ellington. Presented by Bowen McCauley Dance. At Kenmore Middle School, 200 S. Carlin Springs Road, Arlington. Visit www.bmdc.org.
Clay Connection Spring Show and Sale. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. High-quality handmade pottery and ceramics, including bowls, vases, tiles, sculpture and other decorative and functional works. At John Calvin Presbyterian Church, 6531 Columbia Pike, Annandale. Visit www.theclayconnection.org.
Vocalist Lena Seikaly. 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Part of the Potomac Jazz Project. At Extra Virgin, 4053 S. 28th Street, Arlington. Call 703-703-8474.
<cal1>Sunday/May 1
<cal2>Flower and Herb Sale. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free. Sale at Glencarlyn Library Community Garden (rain or shine). Native plants, herbs, sun- and shade-loving perennials, flowering shrubs, trees and some annuals will be on sale. At 300 S. Kensington St, off Carlin Springs Road, Arlington.
Arlington Philharmonic. 3 p.m. Donation of $20 suggested. With Music Director Scott Wood. At the Washington-Lee Auditorium, 1301 North Stafford Street, Arlington. Visit www.arlingtonphilharmonic.org.
May Day Concert. 4 p.m. Choralis Cantus Youth Choirs’ May Day Concert. At Falls Church Presbyterian Church, 225 East Broad Street (Route 7), Falls Church. Purchase tickets online at www.choralis.org, or call 703-237-2499.
Grand Finale Concert. 4 p.m. Featuring Elisabeth Adkins, Beethoven Violin Concerto. Tickets are $12/seniors and groups; $18/adults. At Ernst Community Cultural Center, Northern Virginia Community College, 8333 Little River Turnpike, Annandale. Call 703-758-0179 or visit www.virginiachamberorchestra.org.
<cal1>May 1, 7, 8
<cal2>African Craft Sale. 11:15 a.m. on May 1 and May 8; 1-3 p.m. on May 7. Proceeds from the sale will benefit orphans in the East African nation. Sponsored by St. John’s Episcopal Church, 415 South Lexington St., Arlington. Contact Faye Pritchard at pritchardh2o@aol.com.
<cal1>Tuesday/May 3
<cal2>Musician Stan Ridgway. 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $15. Touring behind his new album, Neon Mirage. At IOTA Club & Café, 2832 Wilson Blvd., Arlington. Visit http://www.iotaclubandcafe.com.
Swing Dancing. 9 to 11 p.m. Admission is $10. With the band, Swingtopia. At the Clarendon Ballroom, 3185 Wilson Blvd., Arlington.
Spring Charity Luncheon. 10:30 a.m. social hour; 11:30 a.m. luncheon. Tickets are $40/members and $50/nonmembers. Sponsored by the Naval Officers Spouses Club, featuring guest speaker Dr. Robert Ballard, a world renowned undersea explorer who many may know for his discovery of the HMS TITANIC. At the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington. Contact Lynn Dysart 703-644-2015, ldysart@cox.net.
<cal1>Wednesday/May 4
<cal2>Yes, In Our Backyards. 5 to 6:30 p.m. The Alliance for Housing Solutions and HAND (Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers) are cosponsoring the annual State of Affordable Housing event. At the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington. Questions or to RSVP: katedahs@gmail.com
<cal1>Friday/May 6
<cal2>Tenor Carl Tanner. 8 p.m. Tickets $40. Benefit recital for Aurora Opera Theater with Arlington native Carl Tanner fresh from a leading role at the Metropolitan Opera. Will be joined by baritone Jason Stearns and sopranos Lesley Craigie and Paula Delligatti. Post-concert reception. At the Spectrum Theatre at Artisphere. Visit www.instantseats.com or call 703-379-1433.
"From Berlin to the Beatles." 7:30 p.m. Free. Program includes the best of Irving Berlin, spirituals, settings of Alleluia and the Beatles. Alex Robinson will lead the Washington-Lee High School Jazz Band in a guest performance. Performing will be the Encore Chorales from: Goodwin Houses Alexandria and Baileys Crossroads; Langston-Brown Senior Center, Arlington; Smithsonian Institution, Washington; Potomac Academy of GMU at the Woodlands. At Washington-Lee High School, 1301 N. Stafford Street, Arlington. Visit encorecreativity.org or call 301-261-5747.
<cal1>May 6, 7, 8
<cal2>"Pollyanna." Friday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, May 7 at 8 p.m.; Sunday, May 8 at 3 p.m. Cost is $8. Pre-dinner theater available Saturday at 6:30 p.m. for $20. Presented by the St. Andrew’s Players. For dinner reservations, call 703-532-4307 or email jodee55@verizon.net. At St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 4000 Lorcom Lane (at Military Road), Arlington. Call 703-522-1600 or visit www.standrewsnet.org.
<cal1>May 6 and 7
<cal2>Comedian David Coulier. Tickets are $23. At the Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse, 2903 Columbia Pike, Arlington. Visit http://ArlingtonDrafthouse.com
<cal1>Saturday/May 7
<cal2>Public Talk and Award. 1:30 to 3 p.m. Free. Surviving the Age of Bad Information: A Skeptic’s Reflections by Joel Achenbach, Washington Post staff writer. At the National Science Foundation, Room 110, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington. Presented by the National Capital Area Skeptics
ncas@ncas.org or www.ncas.org 301-587-3827.
May Festival. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Great for children between 4 and 12. At Nottingham Elementary, 5900 Little Falls Road, Arlington. Call 703-228-5290.
Tango With the National Chamber Ensemble. 7 p.m. Featuring pianist Jose Caceres and Pontitango, the Tango Ambassadors. A wine and cheese reception follows. Tickets are $15 to $25. At the Rosslyn Spectrum Theatre, 1611 N. Kent St., Arlington. Tickets can be purchased online at www.artisphere.com, by calling 888-841-2787
and at the door.
Concert for Children. 10:30 a.m. Free. Concert part of Celebrate Mom Weekend with IBIS Chamber Music. At Clarendon United Methodist Church, 606 North Ivy Street, Arlington. Visit www.morefaith.org.
<cal1>Sunday/May 8
<cal2>Prelude. 4 p.m. The Arlington Youth Orchestral Program will present its Season Finale Masterwords Concert. At the Rosslyn Spectrum Theatre, 1611 North Kent St., Arlington. Visit PreludeVA.org or call 571-249-5884.
All Ravel Chamber Music. 7 p.m. Free. Concert part of Celebrate Mom Weekend with IBIS Chamber Music. Featuring music by Maurice Ravel. At Clarendon United Methodist Church, 606 North Ivy Street, Arlington. Visit www.morefaith.org.
<cal1>Tuesday/May 10
<cal2>BRAVO Fundraiser. 6 to 8 p.m. Buyers and Renters Arlingyon Voice. Help to support tenants' rights and affordable housing. Cost is $25. At El Puerto Restaurant, 3007 Columbia Pike. Call 703-685-5100.
<cal1>Thursday/May 12
<cal2>Office Space Movie Festival. 7 p.m. Admission is $12. New high-def projector, trivia contest, O-Face Contest. Hosted by comedian Rob Maher. At the Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse, 2903 Columbia Pike, Arlington.
<cal1>Friday/May 13
<cal2>National Chamber Players: Saint-Saens and Brahms. 7:30 p.m. Episcopal High School will host the fourth annual National Chamber Players concert to benefit Autism Speaks. The program will be Camille Saint-Saëns' The Carnival of the Animals and Brahms' Sextet in B major, with guests Benny and Eric Kim, and pianist Rohan de Silva. Call 202-955-3111 or email nationalcapitalarea@autismspeaks.org.
<cal1>Saturday/May 14
<cal2>Walk for the Animals. 8:30 a.m. registration; 9:30 a.m. walk. Three-mile walk or one-mile stroll will start and finish at Arlington’s Bluemont Park, 329 N. Manchester Street, Arlington. Registration is $25/advance; $40/day. Sponsored by the Animal Welfare League of Arlington. To register or donate, visit www.awla.org or awla.kintera.org/walk2011.
<cal1>Sunday/May 15
<cal2>Ashton Heights 90th Anniversary House Tour. 1 to 4 p.m. Reception following at 4 p.m. Featuring Ashton Heights and Neighboring Lyon Park Homes. Tickets available at the Lyon Park Community Center, 414 N. Fillmore St., Arlington, starting at noon on tour day. Tickets prices: $25 for adults, $5 for children under 12. Price includes admission to tour houses, brochure and map, and reception. Rain or shine, no refunds.
<cal1>Thursday/May 19
<cal2>Seniors Beauty Pageant. 2 p.m. Arlington’s Patricia Heenan, Ruth Findley and Toby Greenwald are competing. Donation of $10 suggested. At Lee Center-Kauffman Auditorium, 1108 Jefferson Street, Alexandria. Call 703-425-7258 or 703-549-7012.
<cal1>Saturday/May 21
<cal2>Flea Market. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bake sale, jewelry, clothing, plants, white elephants and more. At the Lincolnia Senior Center, 4710 N. Chambliss St., Alexandria. Call 703-914-0223.
HB Woodlawn 5K Race. 8 a.m. Fund-raiser for H2O for Life. (www.h2oforlifeschools.org). At Potomac Overlook Park in Arlington. For details, email: 2covet@gmail.com or www.2covet.blogspot.com.
Poetry and Music of the Civil War. 1 to 3 p.m. Free. As part of the Sesquicentennial Commemoration of the American Civil War in Alexandria, join poet Peter Lattu for a reading of Civil War poems, and poet John "Fin" Finerty who will read original poetry about Civil War events. Plus, enjoy a trio of flutists performing period music. At the Athenaeum, 201 Prince Street, Alexandria. Call 703-548-0035 or visit www.nvfaa.org
<cal1>May 21 and 22
<cal2>"Peter Pan." Presented by The Kintz-Mejia Academy of Ballet. Saturday, May 21 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday, May 22 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $25/door. At George Mason High School Theater, 7124 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church. Tickets are $25. Contact Carolanne O'Neil at coneil@westassoc1.com or 703-893-0404 ext. 217 or visit www.kintzmejiaballet.com.
<cal1>Sunday/May 22
<cal2>Taste of Arlington. Noon to 5 p.m. Free. A wide array of Arlington’s favorite eateries will be participating in the Taste again this year including: Jaleo, Willow, Toby’s Homemade Ice Cream and Lebanese Taverna. Entertainment and business booths. Tickets are $20/online for eight tastes; $25/door. Tickets are on sale at:
http://www.tasteofarlington.com/tickets.html or call 703-528-3527. At Wilson Boulevard in front of Ballston Common Mall.
<cal1>Oct. 21 to 23
<cal2>U.S. FreedomWalk Festival. A family friendly weekend, non-competitive, social walking challenge bringing participants of all ages and abilities together for fun, fitness, and international friendship. Different trails will be offered each day, and a variety of distances ranging from 3 miles (5 km) to 27 miles (43 km) is offered each day starting each day at the Holiday Inn Rosslyn.