<b>Thursday/April 21
</b>Paws for Reading. 4 p.m. Burke Centre Library, 5935 Freds Oak Road, Burke. Practice reading skills with a trained therapy dog. Age 6-12. Register at703-249-1520.
Springfield Writers' Group. 7 p.m. Richard Byrd Library, 7250 Commerce St., Springfield. Share your work, give and receive feedback in a supportive setting. Adults. 703-451-8055.
Book Discussion Group. 7:15 p.m. John Marshall Library, 6209 Rose Hill Drive, Alexandria. Call for title. Adults. 703-971-0010.
Practice Your English. 7 p.m. Kingstowne Library, 6500 Landsdowne Centre, Alexandria. Conversation group for adults learning English. 703-339-4610.
Lorton Library Book Club. 7 p.m. Lorton Library, 9520 Richmond Highway, Lorton. The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Adults. 703-339-7385.
"The Road to Forever." 1 p.m. Spot-Lyte Company, Workhouse Art Center, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. A story of determination and loyalty, the importance of friendship and paying attention to the little things. For ages 7 and up. www.WorkhouseArts.org.
"Cinderella, Cinderella!" 10 a.m. Spot-Lyte Company, Workhouse Art Center, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. An audience-participation version of the classic fairy tale. For ages 3 and up. $5. www.workhousearts.org.
<b>Friday/April 22
</b>Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus. 1 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. George Mason University Patriot Center, 4500 Patriot Drive, Fairfax. Tickets $7-$15. www.ringling.com or 202-683-3238.
Vocalist Azam Ali. 8 p.m. George Mason University Center for the Arts, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. $30-$65. A sophisticated exploration of Iranian, Turkish, Lebanese, and Kurdish lullabies. cfa.gmu.edu.
"The Road to Forever." 10 a.m. Spot-Lyte Company, Workhouse Art Center, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. A story of determination and loyalty, the importance of friendship and paying attention to the little things. For ages 7 and up. www.WorkhouseArts.org.
"Cinderella, Cinderella!" 1 p.m. Spot-Lyte Company, Workhouse Art Center, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. An audience-participation version of the classic fairy tale. For ages 3 and up. $5. www.workhousearts.org.
<b>Saturday/April 23
</b>Holiday Hunt Easter Eggstravaganza. 10 a.m. South Run RECenter, 7550 Reservation Drive, Springfield. For ages eight and under. Easter egg hunt and face painting, pictures with the "Bunny" and arts and crafts. $10 per child. Register at South Run RECenter or 703-866-0566.
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus. 11:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. George Mason University Patriot Center, 4500 Patriot Drive, Fairfax. Tickets $7-$15. www.ringling.com or 202-683-3238.
Easter Egg Hunt. 10 a.m. Franconia United Methodist Church, 6037 Franconia Road, Alexandria. For preschoolers to sixth graders. 703-971-5151 or www.franconiaumc.org.
Civil War "Both Sides Tour VI". 8 a.m. Franconia Museum, 6121 Franconia Road, Franconia. Follow the Union and Confederate troops as they converge on Manassas for the first major battle of the war. Start with coffee and donuts at the Franconia Museum, then board a bus to the local Union Fort, then west to meet Jackson and his men as they march from the Shenandoah Valley. Buffet lunch at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Manassas. Proceed to the nearby Battlefield Visitors Center to view artifacts and information before reliving the battle. Cost includes bus ride, lunch and a snack card well as the entrance fee to the Visitor's Center. $100 per person. 703-971-4984.
Breakfast with the Birds. 8-11 a.m. Lake Accotink Park, 7500 Accotink Park Road, Springfield. Participate in a guided search for bald eagles, waterfowl, and more. Binoculars and field guides suggested, but not required. Coffee and muffins will be available at the visitor center following the birding session. For adults. Free. Register at 703-569-0285 or 703-569-3464.
"The Road to Forever." 10 a.m. Spot-Lyte Company, Workhouse Art Center, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. A story of determination and loyalty, the importance of friendship and paying attention to the little things. For ages 7 and up. www.WorkhouseArts.org.
"Cinderella, Cinderella!" 1 p.m. Spot-Lyte Company, Workhouse Art Center, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. An audience-participation version of the classic fairy tale. For ages 3 and up. $5. www.workhousearts.org.
Culture Performances Showcase. 7 p.m. George Mason University Harris Theater, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. Ethnic Chinese dance and music. Sponsored by the New World Bilingual Institute. Free admission. 703-978-7905 or nwbi1@yahoo.com.
<b>Sunday/April 24
</b>Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus. 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. George Mason University Patriot Center, 4500 Patriot Drive, Fairfax. Tickets $7-$15. www.ringling.com or 202-683-3238.
<b>Monday/April 25
</b>What's Hidden in Hidden Pond? 2:30 p.m. Richard Byrd Library, 7250 Commerce St., Springfield. Learn about life under the surface of a pond. Presented by the staff of Hidden Pond Nature Center. Age 6-12. 703-451-8055.
<b>Tuesday/April 26
</b>English Conversation Group. 7 p.m. Richard Byrd Library, 7250 Commerce St., Springfield. Practice and improve your English. Adults. 703-451-8055.
Inside the WikiLeaks Revelations. 7 p.m. Richard Byrd Library, 7250 Commerce St., Springfield. David Sanger, discusses WikiLeaks and what the release means to the world. Adults. 703-451-8055.
<b>Wednesday/April 27
</b>Thirty Seconds To Mars. 7 p.m. George Mason University Patriot Center, 4500 Patriot Drive, Fairfax. $32.50-$39.50, available at www.ticketmaster.com or 703-573-SEAT. Accessible seating is available at 703-993-3035. www.thirtysecondstomars.com or www.patriotcenter.com.
Travel Club. 1 p.m. Richard Byrd Library, 7250 Commerce St., Springfield. Bring lunch and enjoy discussion. Adults. 703-451-8055.
Fun for 2's and 3's. 10:30 a.m. John Marshall Library, 6209 Rose Hill Drive, Alexandria. Stories and activities. Age 2-3 with adult. 703-971-0010.
<b>Thursday/April 28
</b>"Dracula." 7:30 p.m. Lake Braddock Secondary School, 9200 Burke Lake Road, Burke. Tickets are $10 at lbtheatre.com. 703-426-1070.
<b>Friday/April 29
</b>"Dracula." 7:30 p.m. Lake Braddock Secondary School, 9200 Burke Lake Road, Burke. Tickets are $10 at lbtheatre.com. 703-426-1070.
"Odd Couple." 7:30 p.m. W.T. Woodson High School, 9525 Main St., Fairfax. The male version of the play, with Felix and Oscar. wtwdrama.org or 703 503-4759.
<b>Saturday/April 30
</b>Women Supporting Women Family Fun Fest. 1-5 p.m. Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter, 13000 Lee Highway, Fairfax. Music, crafts, shopping, refreshments, silent auction, raffles and more. All proceeds will benefit Artemis House, formerly the Fairfax County Women’s Shelter. Rain date May 14. brandland@mac.com.
Kylie Minogue. 8 p.m. George Mason University Patriot Center, 4500 Patriot Drive, Fairfax. Tickets $55-$125, available at www.ticketmaster.com or 703-573-SEAT. www.patriotcenter.com.
Northern Virginia Chapter, International Plastic Modelers Society. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Fairfax High School, 3500 Old Lee Road, Fairfax. Museum quality scale models, modeling contest, vendors, raffle prizes, Make & Take event for children, doll houses, Lego, Ho & N Scale model Railroads, radio control models, lectures by area historians and more. Food concession on site. $8 adult, $10 entire family. www.novaipms.org.
Fairfax CASA Run for the Children. 8:30 a.m. Fairfax Courthouse. 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax. 10K and 3k. Food, prizes and entertainment for runners and spectators. Runners will help raise awareness for the CASA program while also raising money to support the recruitment, training, and supervision of volunteers from the community to serve as Court Appointed Special Advocates. $25-$30. Register at www.fairfaxrunforthechildren.com or 301-871-0400.
Junior League of Northern Virginia Children’s Health Fair. 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Kings Park Shopping Center, 8970 Burke Lake Road, Springfield. Fitness challenges, nutrition games, interactive booths, a drawing to win a Nintendo® Wii and Wii Fit and more. Exhibitors include Giant Food, Inova Health System, Northern Virginia Healthy Kids Coalition, Anthem HealthKeepers, Let’s Dish, Nutrition Ammunition and TopKick Martial Arts. Free. 703-442-4163 or email kitk@jlnv.org.
Asthma Screening. 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Shoppers Food Warehouse, Lorton Marketplace, 9409 Lorton Market St., Lorton. Free screenings to identify people at risk for asthma and provide an opportunity for diagnosed asthmatics to talk with a specialist about their disease and how to keep symptoms under control. www.acaai.org or www.AllergyAndAsthmaRelief.org.
"Dracula." 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Lake Braddock Secondary School, 9200 Burke Lake Road, Burke. Tickets are $10 at lbtheatre.com. 703-426-1070.
"Odd Couple." 7:30 p.m. W.T. Woodson High School, 9525 Main St., Fairfax. The male version of the play, with Felix and Oscar. wtwdrama.org or 703 503-4759.
<b>Sunday/May 1
</b>Arc of Northern Virginia 33rd Annual Patriots’ Cup Corporate Challenge 8K Race. 9 a.m. George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. Proceeds benefit people with disabilities in Northern Virginia. www.thearcofnova.org/events/patscup/.
Virginia chamber Orchestra "Grand Finale" Concert. 4 p.m. Northern Virginia Community College, Ernst Community Cultural Center, 8333 Little River Turnpike, Annandale. Elisabeth Adkins, Beethoven Violin Concerto. Seniors and groups $10-$12, adults $15-$18, students free. 703-758-0179 or www.virginiachamberorchestra.org.
"Odd Couple." 2 p.m. W.T. Woodson High School, 9525 Main St., Fairfax. The male version of the play, with Felix and Oscar. wtwdrama.org or 703 503-4759.
<b>Saturday/May 7
</b>New Hope Housing, Inc. Fundraiser. 7 p.m. Waterford Reception, 6715 Commerce St., Springfield. South-of-the-Border style reception, silent and live auctions, dinner and dancing to benefit New Hope, providing transitional and permanent housing, support services and more for the homeless. $150 per person. 703-799-2293 ext. 727 or www.newhopehousing.org.
<b>Sunday/May 8
</b>Operating Model Train Displays. 12-5 p.m. Fairfax Station Railroad Museum, 11200 Fairfax Station Road, Fairfax Station. The Potomac Module Crew, Monty’s Legos and N-gauge model trains. $3 adults, $1 children. www.fairfax-station.org or 703-425-9225.
<b>Wednesday/May 11
</b>The Battle of Blackburns Ford, July 18, 1861: Prelude to First Manassas. 7:30 p.m. Fairfax Station Railroad Museum, 11200 Fairfax Station Road, Fairfax Station. With Manassas National Battlefield Park ranger and museum specialist Jim Burgess. Free and open to the public. www.fairfax-station.org or 703-425-9225.
<b>Friday/May 13
</b>Art & Design Senior Show Reception. 6-10:30 p.m. George Mason University School of Art, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. Over 90 artists and performances by The Attractions, Ketura, Solace Sovay, Jelly Gums, Atlast and Stanley Cooley. Complimentary refreshments and food. Free admission and parking. dmoss@gmu.edu.