Mount Olive Baptist Church will hold its Youth Revival on July 21-23 at 7:30 p.m. at Liberty Middle School, 6801 Union Mill Road, Clifton. For details, go to or call 703-830-8769.
Mount Olive Baptist Church will hold its Annual Youth Day on Sunday, July 26 at 10 a.m. at Liberty Middle School, 6801 Union Mill Road, Clifton. For details, go to or call 703-830-8769.
Congregation Yad Shalom, located in Centreville, provides a variety of programs in a traditional format with a modern flair:
* Ask about the K – 2 Hebrew school for the children for the upcoming year.
For more information and/or directions, contact the Congregation at 703-579-6079, or visit
Bible Basics at Christ Presbyterian Church. Are you interested in knowing more about the Bible but just don't know how to start? Christ Presbyterian Church is offering a beginners' Bible Study every Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. through Aug. 5. The focus is on the New Testament. CPC is located at 12410 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy. (Route 50), just west of Fair Oaks Mall. Call 703-278-8265. CPC wishes everyone a blessed summer!
Oakton Baptist Church will host Vacation Bible School from Monday, Aug. 3 to Thursday, Aug. 6 from 6:30-8:45 p.m. Dinner each night will be available at 5:30 p.m. for $3.50 a person or $10 for a family. There will be classes for preschool to adults. Call the church to register or to get a ride each evening. All are welcome. The church is at 14001 Sullyfield Circle Chantilly; call 703-631-1799.
Centreville United Methodist Church will hold Music Camp from Aug. 10-14 from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Children in grades 2-6 (2009-2010 school year) are invited to attend and will enjoy a Christmas in August theme. The campers will learn and perform the musical "Radio J-O-Y!" Registration forms can be found on the church Web site Registration is $20 per child with a $50 family maximum. Contact the church office at 703-830-2684.
Summer Nights at Lord of Life. Bring the whole family for a free night of fun!
* July 29 at 7:30 p.m.: Bob Brown Puppets. Bob Brown will entertain us with his puppets in a variety show for all ages, Second Hand Stars. (Fairfax). Call 703-323-9500
Liberty Middle School in Clifton will serve as the new temporary worship location for the congregation of Mount Olive Baptist Church while their new facility is built on the church’s current Centreville site.