

The Ostomy Support Group of Northern Virginia will meet Sunday, Dec. 7 at 1:30 p.m. in the Physicians' Conference Center, INOVA Fairfax Hospital, 3300 Gallows Road, Fairfax. Stephanie Campbell discusses life with Crohn's Disease, ostomy and more. 703-802-3457 or

"Deciding to Have another Baby: Considerations to Make after Experiencing a Preterm Birth, Difficult Pregnancy, or Birth Defect," on Sunday, Nov. 16 at 12:30 p.m. at the Fairfax City Regional Library Meeting Room, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Free and open to the public. Dona Dei, R.N. M.S.N., state director of Programs Services for the March of Dimes, on research into the causes and possible prevention of birth defects and premature birth, preconception health, and education. Participants will learn who is at high-risk and who is not. 703-552-0163 or

The Clifton Presbyterian Church has a Caregiver Support Group that meets the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the church, 12748 Richards Lane, Clifton. This group is for caregivers of seniors with Alzheimer's, dementia, and other age-related problems. Call Rebecca Daniel-Burke at 703-830-9175 ext. 17.

Body & Soul Fitness classes are cardio and strength training sessions set to contemporary Christian music. Mondays and Fridays from 9-10:15 a.m. at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 8304 Old Keene Mill Road, Springfield. Until Nov. 23. For more call Suzann Albanese at 703-372-2332 or e-mail

Registration for weekday and weekend Lamaze childbirth classes in Springfield is available at or by calling 703-549-2226.

Alzheimer's Family Day Center, located at 2812 Old Lee Highway, Fairfax, hosts various classes. Reservations are required, and classes are open to people who are caring for a relative or friend with dementia. For more, call Greta at 703-204-4664 or visit

The Parkinson Foundation of the National Capital Area offers the following support group opportunities:

* Fairfax Sully Group and Exercise Class. The Support Group meets monthly on the fourth Saturday, from 10-11 a.m., with an exercise class at 11 a.m., at the Fair Oaks Sunrise Assisted Living Facility, 3750 Joseph Siewick Drive, Fairfax. 703-378-9213 or

* Fairfax Little River Glen Support Group meets on the third Thursday of the month at 1 p.m., at Little River Glen Senior Center, 4001 Barker Court, Fairfax. 202-966-4450.

* The Springfield Parkinson's Disease Support Group meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 2 p.m., at Greenspring Village, 7400 Spring Village Drive, Town Center Building, Music Room, Springfield. Call Michel Margosis at 703-569-2630 or Mitch Mills at 703-913-0270.

* The Parkinson's Disease Support Group meets on the fourth Saturday of the month from 10-11 a.m., with an exercise class normally reserved at 11 a.m., at the Fair Oaks Sunrise Assisted Living Facility, 3750 Joseph Siewick Drive, Fairfax. Contact Bill Robbins at 703-830-3823 or and Darryl Edwards at 703-378-9213. Visit

* Fairfax Little River Glen Exercise Class meets weekday mornings at Little River Glen Senior Center, 4001 Barker Court, Fairfax. 703-503-8703.

TLC: Teens Living with Cancer. Monthly social activities for 13 to 18-year-olds who have cancer give them a chance to meet others with cancer, share a little, and have fun. Call 703-208-5623 for details. At the Life with Cancer Family Center, 2832 Juniper St., Fairfax. Call 703-698-2841 or visit

Fibromyalgia/Arthritis Support Group. Meets the third Friday of each month at 1 p.m. at Pohick Library, 6450 Sydenstricker Road, Burke. Call Barbara at 703-913-0890 or Maxine at 703-451-4558.

The Alzheimer's Association National Capital Area Chapter offers telephone discussion groups, called Tuesday Telephone Talks, every Tuesday from 12-1 p.m. Skilled group facilitator moderates discussions; metro-area residents may call in and discuss a wide range of caregiving topics. Join the discussion by calling toll-free at 888.262.0101. For a list of upcoming discussion topics call 703.766.9007 or see

New Moms Group. Meets at Inova Fairfax Hospital Women's Center, 7 South Dayroom, 3300 Gallows Road, Falls Church. New mom and baby topics and concerns, including breast-feeding. Experienced maternal-infant nurse/lactation consultant facilitates the group discussions. Weekly prize drawing. Complimentary parking, baby weight check, refreshments and resource information. Ongoing, Thursdays 10:30 a.m.-noon. For the convenience of new moms, no preregistration needed. $5/session. Call 703-204-6455.

Brain Tumor Group, first Tuesday of the month at the Life with Cancer Family Center, 2832 Juniper St., Fairfax. Adult patients and families are invited to share and learn ways to meet the challenges of living with primary malignant or benign brain tumors. For more information, call 703-698-2841.

The Caregivers Meeting. Weekly drop-in group for family members and friends of those with cancer to discuss various concerns. Wednesdays, from 7-8:30 p.m., at Inova Fairfax Hospital in the Radiation Oncology Conference Room. Use the blue garage. Call 703-698-2841 or visit

Burke/Springfield/Fairfax Compassionate Friends Support Group. Friendship and understanding to families grieving the death of a child. The support group meets monthly at St. Mary of Sorrows Catholic Church, 5222 Sideburn Road, Fairfax, at 7:30 p.m. Call 703-425-9504.

Body and Soul aerobics and strength training classes meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9-10:30 a.m., at Burke Community Church, 9990 Old Keene Mill Road. Body and Soul is a complete cardiovascular and strength workout to contemporary Christian music. Call Suzann Albanese at 703-372-2332.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society sponsors the 'First Connection' program, which matches patients newly diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma or another blood-related cancer — and their families — with cancer survivors who have lived through a similar illness. For more information on this program, call 703-960-1100, ext. 231.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Fairfax is sponsoring the Out of the Darkness Community Walk Saturday, Oct. 11, in Burke Lake Park, Fairfax Station. Funds will benefit suicide awareness and prevention research and programs. To register, visit

The City of Fairfax Fire Department is offering classes on CPR, first aid and the use of defibrillators on Nov. 15 and Dec. 13, at Fire Station 403, 4081 University Drive, Fairfax. Cost is $50 for CPR, and $100 for CPR/first aid. Registration is required, at 703-273-8109. Visit or for alternative CPR classes.

Haven of Northern Virginia offers several ongoing free bereavement support groups.

* One-on-one support. A volunteer will meet with a person grieving the death of a loved one, as needed, to provide individual support.

* Suicide Loss bereavement group, that provides education and support to anyone grieving a loss to suicide meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 7:30-9 p.m.

*Six-week Children’s bereavement support group will begin Thursday, Oct. 16, from 5-6 p.m. For ages 6-12 who have experienced the death of a significant person. Registration required.

Haven of Northern Virginia, 4606 Ravensworth Road, Annandale. 703-941-7000 or

Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Support Group. Meets the third Monday of the month from 10-11:30 a.m., at Manor Care of Fair Oaks, 12475 Lee Jackson Highway. Facilitated by trained group leaders, ongoing, free and open to the community. Call Anita Newsome, group leader, at 703- 352-7172 prior to attending for the first time.

The Jewish Social Services Agency offers a variety of programs and support groups meeting at 3018 Javier Road, Fairfax. Call 703-204-9100 for more information.

* An Anxiety Management Group for children ages 8-10. Children learn to manage anxiety through discussion, games, and role-play.

* Teen Talk: An Adolescent Adoption Series, for adoptees ages 13-18. Searching for birth parents; integrating dual identities; and coping with minimal background information.

* Understanding Your Adopted Teen. A psycho-educational four session series for parents raising adopted teens.

* Support Group for Parents of Young Adults with Asperger's Syndrome and Related Disorders.

* Social Club for Young Adults with Asperger's Syndrome. JSSA and the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia (JCCNV) present a social club for young adults diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome or related disorders.

* Get Connected: Adult Social Skills, for men and women ages 19-35 who may have Asperger's syndrome and are having difficulty transitioning into successful young adulthood.

* You and Your Aging Parents. Discussion topics include coping with illness, managing difficult emotions, identifying appropriate resources to support an aging parent and develop a care plan.

The Fairfax City Parkinson’s Disease Support group meets at the second Monday of each month, 7 p.m. This group welcomes those with Parkinson's, their caregivers, family and friends. Green Acres Community Center, 4401 Sideburn Road, Room 116, Fairfax. 703-277-9666 or e-mail

Fair Oaks Parkinson Foundation Support Group meets monthly on the fourth Saturday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Sunrise at Fair Oaks, 3750 Joseph Siewick Drive, Fairfax. Free. Support Group leader is Bill Robbins 703-830-3823. Exercise class meets every Thursday from 1-2 p.m. at the Greenbriar Community Center. Sonia Gow, 703-378-7221.

Cornerstone Residence in Fairfax Club Estates is accepting applications for admission to a not-for-profit group home for learning disabled females. Live-in counselors assist with independent living skills, college classes and transition, diet and exercise, transportation, meals, recreation and social opportunities. Call Karen at 703-323-9420.

Inova Blood Donor Services is open weekdays, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. and Saturdays, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., at its main location at 3289 Woodburn Road in Annandale. To inquire about appointments at a convenient donor center or blood drive, call 1-866-256-6372 or visit

Other Inova blood donation sites are:

* Inova Alexandria Hospital

4320 Seminary Road, Alexandria


Hours: Monday and Wednesday; noon-8 p.m.

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

* Inova Mount Vernon Hospital

2501 Parker's Lane, Alexandria


Hours: Monday-Thursday; 4-7 p.m.

* CentreMed, Centreville


Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; noon-8 p.m.

Saturday; 8 a.m.-2 p.m.