Westfield Still a World-Class School

Westfield Still a World-Class School

To the Editor:

First of all, I would like to speak to the Westfield High School community. You know that Westfield is an outstanding school where our students benefit from a world-class learning environment. We are strong. We are safe and secure. We are confident. After, all, we are Bulldogs. And we are Westfield. Since Monday, we have continued to provide a world-class education, and our students have been their usual excellent selves. I consider it an honor and a privilege to be the principal of Westfield High School, and the outstanding reputation that this school and the community have worked so hard to establish will not change in light of the most recent events.

Local and national media have been at the school for the last two days. Although at this point we have not received an official release including the list of the names of FCPS students who died as a result of the shootings on the Virginia Tech campus two days ago, we have been in contact with two of the families of victims who were graduates of Westfield High School. Erin Peterson and Reema Samaha, both graduates of Westfield High School, Class of 2006, are among the fatalities from the terrible events that occurred at Virginia Tech on Monday. Both Erin and Reema were excellent students at Westfield and tremendous assets to Westfield High School and its community. Erin was a key player on the Westfield Basketball team and Reema distinguished herself as a shining star with Westfield Theatre. Their contributions to the school and the community are too many to list. The value of the friendships that they both established with other Westfield students and the impact that their loss will have on our school community .… immeasurable. They were both unique and outstanding individuals in so many ways. Please keep Erin and Reema and their families in your thoughts.

It has also been reported that the individual responsible for the campus shootings was a graduate of Westfield High School. His name was Seung-Hui Cho, and he graduated from Westfield High School in 2003. Our thoughts are with Seung’s family as well.

Our focus at Westfield for the next few days will be to maintain the integrity of the school day and extracurricular activities, while simultaneously meeting the emotional needs of our students, especially those who are experiencing extreme difficulty in dealing with our loss. Professional support staff members are available to help us deal with the grieving process. Counselors will remain available at school for students and staff.

Our ability to unite, work together and communicate during these trying times is paramount. I truly appreciate the resources and the outpouring of support from Fairfax County Public Schools and many communities around Northern Virginia.

Please understand that we are in the process of both recovery and grief. Cooperation from media sources would be much appreciated in remembering that any school’s mission first and foremost is to educate children. We ask that you give us the time, consideration and space to do the same at Westfield High School.

Thank you very much.

Tim Thomas

Principal, Westfield High School
