<cal2>Experience a Hayride at Meadow Acres Farm in Brandy Station, VA. Belgian Draft horses will take groups on a hayride around the farm and then back for a campfire with hot mulled cider and doughnuts. Rides run at 7 and 8:30 p.m. every evening. Cost is $4 per child, $9 per teenager or adult. Call 540-825-6707. Reservation required. Visit www.cadcol.com/harmons.
The Western Fairfax County Woman's Club is selling the 2006 White House Christmas ornaments. This year's ornament honors President Chester A. Arthur who assumed the office of President after the death of James A. Garfield who died of wounds from an assassin's bullet. The cost of the ornament is $18 and all profits benefit charity. Orders can be placed through any club member or by calling 703-378-6841 or 703-378-6216.
League of Women Voters, “Does your vote really count?” To help answer the question, the League of Women Voters invites members and guests to its November meetings to look at the process and wide-ranging effects of the way that Virginia draws the lines for its electoral districts. The program discussion will focus on the way that Virginia handles the redistricting process, compared with other states, and the possibilities for change.
The organization’s unit meetings will be held during the first and second week of November at 16 locations throughout Fairfax and Prince William counties. The League’s meetings are free and guests are welcome; no registration is required. Call the League at 703-658-9150 for the location of the meeting most convenient for you, or visit its web site at www.lwv-fairfax.org.
Our Neighbors Child is a local organization that provides toys and clothing for families in our immediate zip code who are having a difficult time. Fairfax County determines the families who have the greatest need and then local volunteers work together to meet those needs. We are in our 15th year and once again are looking for groups or individuals that would “adopt” the clothing needs of our local families for the holiday season. If interested in helping this year, e-mail or call to be put on the list. Contact: Tracy McInturff at GMFamily1@aol.com or 703-222-6669.
<cal1>Through Nov. 20
<cal2>The Manassas Campus of Northern Virginia Community College is hosting an exhibit of paintings by Marian Jackson. In the series called “Exploring 3-D Illusions,” Jackson starts the painting on canvas and continues the image on the glass over the canvas to create a dimensional effect. Jackson lives in Chantilly with her husband, Keith. “Exploring 3-D Illusions” is Jackson’s third solo exhibit at the Manassas Campus. A reception for Jackson is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 25 in the Colgan Hall exhibit space. The exhibit is free and open to the community from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Fridays, and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. Call 703-257-6532.
<cal1>NOV. 3-4
<cal2>Rooftop Productions, at the Center for the Arts in Manassas, opens its 2006-2007 season with the musical, “A … My Name is Alice.” The show performs Friday and Saturday, Nov. 3-4 at 8 p.m. at the Kellar Theater in the Center for the Arts at the Candy Factory, 9419 Battle Street, Manassas. Sponsored by Raven Services Corporation, show tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for students and seniors 65-plus. Season tickets are also available for $28/$22, which includes the spring production, “Same Time, Next Year.” Call the Center for the Arts at 703-330-ARTS.
<cal1>Friday/Nov. 3
<cal2>A display for the movie "Happy Feet" will be at Fair Oaks Mall, located at the intersection of I-66 and Route 50. The display will include giant snow globes displaying scenes from the movie.
<cal1>Saturday/Nov. 4
<cal2>Scouting for Food. Scouting for Food is the Boy Scouts' annual "Good Turn" to collect canned goods and packaged foods for redistribution to our neighbors who are in need. Join the Boy Scouts to help fight hunger. On Saturday morning, Nov. 4, many young Cub Scouts will be dropping "Scouting for Food" bags at your door. During the week, place your donations of any non-perishable food items in this bag. On Saturday, Nov. 11, place the filled bag on your doorstep before 9 a.m. The Cub Scouts will be back to collect them.
Sully Historic Site presents a program highlighting life in northern Virginia between 1750 and 1785, a Jamestown commemorative event, sponsored in part by the Sully Foundation, Ltd. Through exhibits, living history and hands-on activities, experience life along Cain’s Branch before Richard Bland Lee made Sully his country seat in 1794. The event will be presented from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. and admission is $6 for adults and $4 for seniors and children. Call 703-437-1794.
Flea Market. The DC Big Flea Market will be at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Admission is $6.
Book Signing, Gift Giving By The Stars author Deborah Dillard will be at Burke Used Books, 9570 L Burke Road, 1-5 p.m.
Living Encampment. Troops from Companies F and I of the 8th Virginia regiment of the Army of the Confederacy will create a living history encampment at the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority’s Ball’s Bluff Battlefield Regional Park in Leesburg from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.. Drills from the Civil War era, firing demonstrations, bugle calls, camp life and the regiment’s history will bring the sounds, scent and sensations of the 1860s to life for today’s children and adults. Call 703-737-7800.
Cub Run ReCenter is constructing a rain garden. Volunteer to help build from 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Dress appropriately, wear gloves, and bring shovels and trowels. Contact Charles Smith at 703-324-8555.
<cal1>Sunday/Nov. 5
<cal2>Flea Market. The DC Big Flea Market will be at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Admission is $6.
An adult flu shot clinic will be held from 4-7 p.m. in Little Rocky Run Rec Center #2, 6201 Sandstone Way, Clifton. It is open to the general public. Norvar Health Services will provide the flu immunization shots at a cost of $22 per adult age 18 and over. Attendees should wear loose-fitting clothes and be prepared to pay by either cash or check. A hot and cold buffet as well as comfortable seating is available. Contact Damon Nicholas of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage by calling 703-502-8787.
Living Encampment. Troops from Companies F and I of the 8th Virginia regiment of the Army of the Confederacy will create a living history encampment at the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority’s Ball’s Bluff Battlefield Regional Park in Leesburg from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.. Drills from the Civil War era, firing demonstrations, bugle calls, camp life and the regiment’s history will bring the sounds, scent and sensations of the 1860’s to life for today’s children and adults. Call 703-737-7800.
<cal1>Monday/Nov. 6
<cal2>See original works of art by local artists at a reception hosted by the Fairfax Art League from 7- 9 p.m. at Old Town Hall, 3999 University Blvd. Fairfax. The public is welcome. Call 703-352-ARTS. Visit the Web site at http://www.fairfaxartleague.com.
<cal1>Wednesday/Nov. 8
<cal2>Fairfax Station Railroad Museum Quarterly Forum, from 7:30-9 p.m. The Exploits of John S. Mosby in Fairfax during the Civil War will be presented by Don Hakenson and Gregg Dudding at the Fairfax Station Rail Road Museum. Both are noted authors as well as well known local historians, speakers and tour guides. Book signings available. The Fairfax Station Rail Road Museum is at 11200 Fairfax Station Road in Fairfax Station. Call 703-425-9225. Free, but donations appreciated.
<cal1>Nov. 10-12
<cal2>The 13th annual Northern Virginia Christmas Market at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly. Admission is $7/adults; kids 12 and under free. The show features 300 juried artisans from across the U.S. offering fine arts, pottery, jewelry, stained glass, woodcrafts, photography, toys and more. There are 20 "Taste of the Holidays" specialty food vendors as well. Hours are Friday-Saturday 10-6 p.m.; Sunday 10-5 p.m. Visit www.emgshows.com.
Veterans Day Ceremony. Friends and family of Bull Run students who are current or former members of the United Sates military are invited to attend a special observance at Bull Run Elementary School, 9:45 a.m.
<cal1>Saturday/Nov. 11
<cal2>Join local artist Judy Wengrovitz for Painting on a Textured Surface, a watercolor workshop sponsored by the Fairfax Art League (FAL) 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Green Acres Center, 4401 Sideburn Road. Fairfax. Fees: FAL members -$60; nonmembers $75. Contact Julie Cosentino 703-323-1688 or jcosenti@cox.net. Visit the Web site at http://www.fairfaxartleague.com.
Adoption Workshop. Speakers include adoptive and biological parents, lawyers, doctors and social workers on the independent adoption process, legalities, home studies, finances, and relations with biological parents. A 190-page how-to book, continental breakfast, and lunch available, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., at the Immanuel Presbyterian Church, McLean. $65 per couple pre-registrants ($75 on-site). Call 202-722-0338 or visit www.ffpa.org.
Boy Scout Troop 30 hosts Webelos in the Woods from 2-8:30 p.m. Sponsored by Centreville Presbyterian Church, Troop 30 will host an event for local Webelos II Scouts at Bull Run Regional Park. Webelos II Scouts can learn basic Scout skills such as tying knots, fire building, first aid and orienteering. A get-to-know-you dinner will be served followed by an evening campfire program. Contact Gregg Badger, at 703-378-7538 or takeahike5@verizon.net.
Scouting for Food will be held Saturdays. Scouting for Food is the Boy Scouts' annual "Good Turn" to collect canned goods and packaged foods for redistribution to our neighbors who are in need. Please join the Boy Scouts to help fight hunger. On Saturday morning, Nov. 4, many young Cub Scouts will be dropping "Scouting for Food" bags at your door. During the week, place your donations of any non-perishable food items in this bag. On Saturday, Nov. 11, place the filled bag on your doorstep before 9 a.m. The Cub Scouts will be back to collect them.
<cal1>Sunday/Nov. 12
<cal2>Latin Dance Show will be held at the Center For The Arts, 4-7 p.m. Cost is $20 in advance or at the door. This three-hour party starts off classes in Latin dancing taught by the stars of Dance Like Magic. Participants will learn the best in the Beautiful Bachata and LA Style Salsa. After the lessons, get ready for an exciting Latin dance show that combines dance routines with magic. Finally, after the lessons and show, the Dance Like Magic DJ will play the best in Latin Music to end the night.
<cal1>Wednesday/Nov. 15
<cal2>Devotion To Children will hold its fourth annual Red, Heart & Soul fall gala. Reception starts at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will be invited to enjoy an evening of food and drinks, live band, dancing, and raffle prizes. Attire will be red, business, or black tie optional. The event is the culmination of the year's efforts to raise funds and create awareness for DTC's programs and initiatives. The gala will be held at The Waterford at Fair Oaks, 12025 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway, Fairfax. Admission is $75 pre-event, $85 at the door. Sponsorships begin at $500. Visit www.devotiontochildren.org.
<cal1>Thursday/Nov. 16
<cal2>INOVA Fair Oaks Hospital Auxiliary will host its second-annual Holiday Bazaar from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Friday, Nov. 17 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the hospital atrium located at 3600 Joseph Siewick Drive, Fairfax. Admission is free and open to the public. Call 703-391-3056. All proceeds benefit INOVA Fair Oaks Hospital.
<cal1>Nov. 18-19
<cal2>The Northern Virginia Mineral Club Inc. will hold its 15th annual Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show at the Student Union II Building, George Mason University, Fairfax. The hours are Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free parking for the show is available in Lot F. Look for the signs to catch the shuttle van from the parking lot to the show. Admission is $4 for adults; $2 for Senior Citizens (65+) and Teens (13-18); Free for Children (12 and under), Scouts in Uniform, and George Mason University Students with ID. Call Tom Taaffe at 703- 281-3767 or e-mail at rockcllctr@aol.com.
<cal1>Nov. 22 - Jan. 7
<cal2>Bull Run Festival of Lights will run daily for drive-throughs from 5-9:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Cost is $15 per car, $25 for commercial van and $50 for buses. Visit www.bullrunfestivaloflights.com.
Noodles & Noggins presents Mighty Mondays with Mr. Knick Knack each Monday from 10-11 a.m. at the Clifton Town Meeting Hall, 12641 Chapel Road, Clifton. Sing, dance, and have loads fun. For all ages. Suggested contribution per child. Call the store at 703-815-8600.
Noodles & Noggins presents Fun Club each Wednesday from 10-11 a.m. at the Clifton Town Meeting Hall, 12641 Chapel Road, Clifton. Enjoy some books, do a craft, sing songs and dance. A new theme each week. For ages 1-6 years. Suggested contribution per child. Call the store to register at 703-815-8600.
While the INOVA Fair Oaks Hospital Auxiliary is in need of volunteers to assist with various functions in the hospital, the current need is especially acute in the Thrift Shop at Fairfax Circle. The Thrift Shop needs volunteers who can sort and price merchandise, stock shelves, process sales, and assist customers in various ways. Call 703-391-3659 for information regarding the next orientation for volunteers.
The Fairfax Meals on Wheels (MOW) group needs a volunteer to serve as Treasurer. This leadership position is responsible for the finances of the MOW group, including a monthly report to the Fairfax Area Agency on Aging. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals (Monday through Friday) to senior adults in the following areas: Annandale, Baileys Crossroads, Falls Church, Manchester Lakes, Centreville/Chantilly, Fairfax, Tysons, Herndon/Reston and Little River Glen. The job involves picking up meals at specified sites between 10:30 a.m. and noon, and delivering them to seniors by 1 p.m. Volunteer drivers can choose to deliver meals on a daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly or substitute basis. Call the Fairfax AAA Volunteer Intake Line at 703-324-5406 or E-mail melanie.mitchell@fairfaxcounty.gov
Volunteers are needed for day and evening hours to work one-to-one with adult learners in public libraries or adult learning centers. Additional opportunities are available working with adolescents in alternative school settings. The Volunteer Learning Program (VLP) trains tutors, assesses learners, and provides materials with follow-up support. VLP is a joint community project of the Fairfax County Public Schools (Adult & Community Education), Fairfax County's Juvenile Court, and the Fairfax County Public Library. Call 703-246-2139 or e-mail VLP@fcps.edu.
Mocha Moms Inc. is a support network for stay-at-home mothers of color. Meetings are every first, third and fifth Wednesday between 10 a.m. and noon at the Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive, Reston. www.restonmochamoms.org. All are welcome.
The Northern Virginia Artists League (NOVALArt.com) is a local group of artists and photographers who meet every month for an "Art Outing" and general meeting. The group meets monthly to encourage each other, critique each other's work, and share ideas for marketing the art. There are monthly art outings for plain air painting or photography. All medias, watercolor, acrylic, oil, colored pencil, photography, etc., are welcome.
The Centreville chapter of Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) Club meets Thursday evenings at the Centreville Presbyterian Church 15040 Lee Highway, Centreville. TOPS is a non-profit, non-commercial weight loss support group open to anyone 7 years of age and older. At $24 per year, this is an affordable, supportive program for weight loss and weight maintenance. Weigh-in is from 6:15-7 p.m. with the meeting starting at 7:10 p.m. Call Susan at 703-392-7937 or visit www.tops.org.
Fancy Cats Rescue Team adoption event on the first and third Saturdays and every Sunday of the month from 12-4 p.m. at the PetsMart, Fair Lakes. Cats and kittens need a loving home. Choose from a wide variety of loving cats. Visit the Web site a www.fancycats.org. E-mail to info@fancycats.org.
Starlight Starbright has teamed up with Starbucks across the country to collect books and toys to give to children in need. Centreville Starbucks, 5623 Stone Road, is kicking off the 2005 toy drive with a bang and goal of being the Starbucks with the most toys. They are challenging the community to donate a bicycle per week and the local Starbucks will match it. Call 703-502-4845.
Mothers & More is a support organization for women who have altered their career path to care for their young children at home. General Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month in Braddock Hall at the Kings Park Library, Burke at 7:30 p.m. The group offers children's and family activities, guest speakers, book club, mom's night out, movie night, chat group and much more. Call (toll free) 866-716-7766 or visit the Web site www.novamoms.org.
Mighty Mondays with Mr. Knick Knack. Come sing, dance, and have loads of fun each Monday with Mr. Knick Knack from 10-11 a.m. The event will be indoors all this month at the Clifton Town Meeting Hall, 12641 Chapel Road. Open to all ages.
Wednesdays with Noodles & Noggins Fun Club from 10 to 11 a.m. at Clifton Town Meeting Hall, 12641 Chapel Road. A new theme each week. Listen to a story, make a craft, sing songs, dance, and have fun. Suggested contribution per child. Reservations requested. Call 703-815-8600.
Thumpin' Thursdays with Mister Don from 4 to 5 p.m. Sing, play, and get the wiggles out before dinnertime. For all ages. Suggested contribution per child. Clifton Town Meeting Hall, 12641 Chapel Road.
A Mindfulness Meditation Class will be held every Sunday from 7-8 p.m. at the Fairfax Sun and Moon Yoga Studio, 9998 Main St., Fairfax. Free. Contact ErikaKL@aol.com or call 703-864-2807.
Northern Virginia Bookcrossing Meetup. These book lovers like to keep their books busy by reading, releasing and tracking their books' adventures with others locally, nationally and internationally. Fun book challenges, hunt for books "in the wild" and more. Share books and be part of a unique group with a different angle on book loving. Visit bookcrossing.meetup.com/72/.
Fairfax Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is recruiting community-minded citizens from diverse backgrounds to volunteer as advocates for children whose families have been cited for abuse and neglect by the Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. The role of a CASA is to investigate a child's situation and to advocate for what is in the best interest of the child in court. All CASA volunteers undergo training to prepare them for this role, and no prior experience in child welfare is required. To learn more about this volunteer opportunity and upcoming orientation and training dates, visit www.casafairfax.org or contact CASA's development and recruitment associate at 703-273-3526 or staff@casafairfax.org.
Red Hat Society. A chapter of the Red Hat Society is now in Centreville. Women age 50 and up wear red hats and purple outfits and kick up their heels. Meetings are the last Wednesday of every month at 11 a.m. in the Sully Senior Center, 5690 Sully Road (inside Centreville Presbyterian Church, off Route 28 south, near the I-66 west exit). All area seniors are welcome to join or visit. Call Mary Doerman at 703-968-7889, Scotti Brennan at 703-378-5206, or Sully Senior Center Director Carma Ryan at 703-322-4475.
Ongoing events at the National Air and Space Museum include daily tours of the building on the National Mall and the Udvar-Hazy Center, IMAX movies, and planetarium shows. There are also movies at the Udvar-Hazy Center, and segments at the Museum on the Mall such as "How Do Things Fly?" and Discovery Stations on a daily basis. For more information on the movies or to purchase tickets, call 202-633-IMAX (4629) or visit www.smithsonian.org/IMAX.