Credit Union Treats Soldiers, Students

Credit Union Treats Soldiers, Students

Combined lunch at Chart House special event for both groups.

Fort Belvoir Credit Union likes to take care of their own — their own soldiers, that is. That is why they treated members of the 767 EOD Battalion to lunch at the Chart House in Alexandria last month. These members had recently returned from a six-month deployment in Baghdad.

Nate Wilson, business development manager for the Fort Belvoir Credit Union, said that they like to do something for all the soldiers when they return from deployments.

“Whenever a group comes back, we try to do something,” Wilson said. “We serve the Fort Belvoir community and have a goal to meet every group that comes back and their families.”

Capt. Robert Grimming, commander of the battalion, was there with his wife, Kate, and newborn, baby, Olivia. Olivia was born a week after Grimming returned — a homecoming present. At least a dozen other members enjoyed the lunch at the Chart House.

“They are very generous with all the troops that deploy,” said Kate Grimming.

Also present was Daryl Mackey, Marilyn Moore, Angela Giles and Helen Breeden-Greve. Mackey teaches business classes at West Potomac High School, while Moore is the business development specialist. Giles and Breeden-Greve serve as co-presidents of the Future Business Leaders of America.

Moore is responsible for finding co-op students part-time paid intern positions in the community; she said that it is going slow finding jobs and that she would appreciate any help that the community can give.

Fort Belvoir Credit Union has a long-established partnership with the school and Wilson serves as a mentor and guest speaker for Mackey’s classes. He had planned a lunch for students last year, but there were scheduling conflicts, so he decided to invite a couple of them to the lunch with the soldiers.

“We’re able to do a lot of things in the community thanks to the support of the credit union,” Mackey said. “They contribute to our functions and we hope to plan several things for the community this year.”