To have faith news listed in The Arlington Connection, mail to 7913 Westpark Drive, McLean, VA 22102, e-mail to or fax to 703-917-0991. Deadline is 2 p.m. the Thursday before publication. Call Miguel Koropecky at 703-917-6437 with any questions.
Clarendon United Methodist Church, 606 N. Irving, will host Dr. Gridlock (aka Ron Shaffer) at its Thursday program on Dec. 8 at 1:15 p.m. The free program will be a time of question and answers by the local expert on traffic in the DC area. A worship service at noon and lunch, $4, will precede the program which runs from 1:15-2 p.m. Call Jane Dixon 703-465-0341.
St. George's Church Christmas Schedule. The church is located at 915 North Oakland St., Arlington, contact Nina Janopaul at 703-528-0448:
Sunday, Dec. 11. Lessons and carols service at 10:30 a.m.; and Christmas recital at 7p.m.
Tuesday, Dece. 13. Caroling at Virginia Square Metro at 5:30 p.m.; Simple soup supper for carolers at 6:30 p.m.,
Sunday, Dec. 18. Messiah Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Saturday, Dec. 24. Christmas Eve Pageant/Family Eucharist at 5 p.m.; Festival of Carols/Eucharist at 7:30 p.m.; Choral prelude at 10:30 p.m.; Festival Eucharist at 11 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 25. Christmas Day Eucharist at 10:30 a.m.
An Evening of Reflection for Victims/Survivors of Sexual Abuse on Dec. 12, at 6 p.m., Dominican Retreat House, 7103 Old Dominion Drive , McLean . Rev. John Crossin, O.S.F.S. Registration required; Call Patricia Mudd, A.C.S.W., Victim Assistance Coordinator, at 703-841-2530.
Jewish Views of the Messiah. Rabbi Leila Gal Berner is teaching a two-part adult education seminar on Jewish Views of the Messiah. The dates are Dec. 11 and 18 from 7-9 p.m. in the Boardroom of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, 4444 Arlington Blvd. $30 for members Kol Ami, the Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community and $36 for non-members. We prefer for you to pay in advance, however, we will accept payments at the door or by mail: Kol Ami, PO BOX 1801, Annandale, VA 22003. RSVP to Barbara Jazzo at
Catholic Charities is offering a 10-week therapeutic support group for victims of sexual abuse in Arlington.
For information about the services listed above or to register for the support group or the Evening of Reflection, please call Patricia Mudd, A.C.S.W., Victim Assistance Coordinator at 703 841-2530.
Faith, Food and Fellowship. Clarendon United Methodist Church, 606 N. Irving St., offers a twice-monthly Thursday noon service for the Arlington community, with one half-hour of spiritual nourishment and one half-hour of physical nourishment. It is primarily a ministry for retiree church members and the senior community. On the second and fourth Thursdays, a worship service is held in the sanctuary at noon, and a hot lunch is serviced at 12:30 p.m. for a donation of $4. A time of fellowship follows from 1:15-2 p.m. with programs geared mostly to senior citizens. Everyone is invited to any or all of the agenda. J. Reilly Lewis, CUMC's music director and director of the National Cathedral Choral Society, arranges for guest soloists at each service. Call 703-527-8574.
Buddhist Meditation Classes. Thursdays, 7-8:30p.m., at the Griffin Center, Tower Villas, Suite 5, 3800 Fairfax Drive, Arlington. Local Buddhist teacher Kelsang Varahi will teach a series of classes on the text "Eight Steps to Happiness" which teaches about the Buddhist way of loving kindness. The classes include guided meditations, a Buddhism teaching, Q&A/discussion, and refreshments. $10/class. 202-331-2122 or
Shabbat Services are held at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Newman, 4301 Seminary Road, Alexandria, each Friday at 7:30 p.m. Shabbat morning services begin Saturdays at 10 a.m. Services are followed by a sit-down Kiddush. Call 703-370-2774 or visit
Prayer Services for Healing for Victims of Sexual Abuse, Jan. 7, 2006 at 10 a.m. at St. Ann, 5300 N. 10th St., Arlington, with Rev. Mark S. Mealey, O.S.F.S. to preside. Call 703-841-2530.