

Send announcements to The Connection, 7913 Westpark Drive, McLean, VA 22102, e-mail to or fax to 703-917-0991. Deadline is two weeks before the event. Photos/artwork encouraged. For more information, call Jennifer Lesinski at 703-917-6454.

This free listing is reserved for activities and events that are open to the public at no or minimal cost. For additional calendar listings, visit our Web site at

<cal1>Wednesday/Nov. 10

<cal2>MOMS Club. The MOMS Club of Reston offers play groups, outings, community-service projects and much more. Meetings held at 10 a.m., on the second Wednesday of every month. Children welcome at all activities. The Reston chapter is open to residents of ZIP codes 20190, 20191 and 20194. For more information, call 1-800-520-0801 Ext. 1524, or e-mail

LWV Meeting. The topic of the meeting is Restorative Justice Ñ both concepts and practices Ñ including restorative justice elements in the Fairfax justice

system. League of Women Voters meetings are free and guests are welcome. Registration is not required. Beginning at 7:30 p.m., at the Reston Museum in the Lake Anne Village Center. Call 471-6364 for further information, or 476-6426 for the location of the Reston morning meeting.

Yummy in My Tummy! Stories, activities and a craft. For ages 2-3 with adult. At the Herndon Fortnightly Library, 768 Center St., 10:30 a.m. Call to register, 703-437-8855.

Book Discussion. Call for this month's selection, 703-689-2700. For adults. At the Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive.

Blood Drive. Inova Blood Donor Services will conduct a community blood drive from 3:30 -7:30 p.m., at United Christian Parish Church on Colts Neck Road across from Hunters Woods Shopping Center in Reston. Donating is scheduled at 15-minute intervals and requires one hour. Appointments can be made with David Roe at 703-860-9430. Donors must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health for three days prior to donating. A photo-identification card such as a driver's license is required. Donors will receive a free check of their blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and hemoglobin (iron) level. They also will receive a wallet-size ID card containing their blood type. Call Inova Blood Donor Services at 703-208-7000 for more information.

Financial Planning Course. Art Wimble, a local Edward Jones investment representative, will host ÒLife Insurance, Estate Taxes and Succession Planning, at 2 p.m., at 1800 Robert Fulton Drive, Suite 120, Reston. The program is produced by the companyÕs Professional Education Network for area CPAs and attorneys; and offers three CPE hours for CPAs and accountants. Cost $50. Reservations required, call Wimble at 703-860-4538.

Mothers First Meeting. Mothers First of Herndon/Reston is dedicated to supporting women whom have chosen to interrupt careers to raise their children at home. Activities include parent/child morning meetings and field trips, "moms' nights out" and lectures. For more information, call 703-827-5922 or visit From 10 a.m.-noon, at the Herndon Fortnightly Library, 768 Center St., Herndon.

<cal1>Thursday/Nov. 11

<cal2>Networking Breakfast. Sponsored by the Herndon Dulles Chamber of Commerce, 8-9 a.m., at the Holiday Inn Select-Dulles Expo Center, near intersection of Route 28 and Willard Drive, Chantilly. In addition to a Star Series presentation by entrepreneur Nick Ron, MAFC Residential, the program features an organized "Power Networking" segment. RSVP to 703-437-5556, Ext. 100, or sign up and prepay at Rates: $15 for members who prepay 48 hours in advance; otherwise $20. All are welcome.

LWV Meeting. The topic of the meeting is Restorative Justice Ñ both concepts and practices Ñ including restorative justice elements in the Fairfax justice

system. League of Women Voters meetings are free and guests are welcome. Registration is not required. Beginning at 9 a.m., at the Reston Museum in the Lake Anne Village Center. Call 471-6364 for further information, or 476-6426 for the location of the Reston morning meeting.

Play. The Elden Street Players present the comedy-thriller "Thumbs," by Rupert Holmes, 8 p.m., at the Industrial strength Theatre, 269 Sunset Business Park Drive, Herndon. The production contains some violence, language and themes unsuitable for children. Tickets $15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors. For reservations, call 703-481-5930. For more information visit

School Production. The Herndon High School Drama Department will present "Inherit the Wind," by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, at 7:30 p.m., in the Herndon High School auditorium. For more information visit

<cal1>Friday/Nov. 12

<cal2>Play. The Elden Street Players present the comedy-thriller "Thumbs," by Rupert Holmes, 8 p.m., at the Industrial strength Theatre, 269 Sunset Business Park Drive, Herndon. The production contains some violence, language and themes unsuitable for children. Tickets $15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors. For reservations, call 703-481-5930. For more information visit The Reston Community Players will present "Mame," at 8 p.m. at the Reston Community Center Stage, 2310 Colts neck Road. For more information, including ticket prices, call 703-476-1111 or visit

School Production. The Herndon High School Drama Department will present "Inherit the Wind," by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, at 7:30 p.m., in the Herndon High School auditorium. For more information visit

Club Luncheon. The Fairfax Women's Connection will be holding a "Christmas in November" luncheon, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., at the Hidden Creek Country Club, 1711 Clubhouse Road in Reston. Includes image stylist James Cornell, silent auction and featured speaker, Maye Jepson. Cost $17. Reservations

required. For more information about the luncheon or free preschool nursery, call Sally at 703-924-2825 or e-mail

Studio Series. The Design Studios of Reston will be hosting its Second Friday Studio Series, from 6-9 p.m., at 11411 Sunset Hills Road, Reston. The night's topic is Drama on the Table Ñ Improvisational Floral Design. The event is free and includes light refreshments.

Reston Epilepsy Group will begin meeting, from 7-8:30 p.m., at Herndon High School, Room 123, 700 Bennett St., Herndon. The Epilepsy Foundation of the Chesapeake Region is sponsoring the support groups for adults diagnosed with seizure disorders and caregivers. Free of charge. For information, call 703-425-6660.

<cal1>Saturday/Nov. 13

<cal2>AD/HD Workshop. "AD/HD-From Diagnosis To Treatment," this workshop will focus on the diagnosis and implications of AD/HD at home, in the classroom, and in a one-to-one setting. In addition, the workshop will give tutors the techniques and materials needed to successfully structure tutorial sessions for AD/HD students and for those undiagnosed children who struggle with attention difficulties. 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Educational Connections, Inc., 12801 Worldgate Drive, fifth-floor conference room, Herndon. Cost: $10, snacks provided. Optional: 12-12:30 p.m., best practices discussion. RSVP by calling 703-264-7400 or by sending an e-mail to

Horse Show Series. The Schooling Hunter Horse Show series at Frying Pan Park, 2709 West Ox Road, Herndon, beginning at 8 a.m. Walk, trot and cantor at this beginner horse show. Classes include hunters, ponies, equitation and more. Held indoors rain or shine. Spectators free. Call 703-437-9101 for more information.

Community Yard Sale. From 8 a.m.-12 p.m., including a large selection of children's clothing and shoes, high chairs, baby and children furniture, equipment, accessories, toys, books and so much more. Lake Anne Nursery Kindergarten (LANK), 12021 North Shore Drive, Reston, at the corner of North Shore Drive and Wiehle Avenue. Visit for more information.

YMCA Gala. Sam Solovey, a contestant on NBC's "The Apprentice," will be the celebrity auctioneer for the YMCA Fairfax County Reston's 5th Annual Community Gala "Celebrate the Stars." Includes dinner and cocktails, live music and a chance to get pictures taken with celebrity impersonators

Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley and Austin Powers. In addition to the live auction, the evening will feature a silent auction

with items donated by community partners. Raffle tickets for a overnight stay and dinner at the Inn at Little Washington, including limo service, will be on sale leading up to and during the gala for the drawing that evening. Last year the event raised more than $70,000, which was part of the

$225,000 in financial assistance that the Building Bridges Sustaining Campaign made possible for more than 2,300 low-income adults, youth and families in Fairfax County. 7 p.m.-midnight, at YMCA Fairfax County Reston, 12196 Sunset Hills Road, Reston. Individual tickets: $100, table of 10: $1,000. For more information call 703-742-8800 or visit the YMCA Fairfax County Reston.

Play. The Elden Street Players present the comedy-thriller "Thumbs," by Rupert Holmes, 8 p.m., at the Industrial strength Theatre, 269 Sunset Business Park Drive, Herndon. The production contains some violence, language and themes unsuitable for children. Tickets $15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors. For reservations, call 703-481-5930. For more information visit

Act It Out! Reader's Theater skits for the whole family, 10:30 a.m. For ages 6-12. At the Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive. Call to register, 703-689-2700.

Holiday Arts and Crafts Show. At the Reston Community Center, Hunter's Woods, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., featuring a wide array of craft items and demonstrations including stained and art glass, jewelry, quilts, textiles, toys, dolls, weaving, wearable art, paintings, photographs, calligraphy, ceramics and more. Prices range from $1 to $800. Admission is $2. The Reston Community Center is located in the Hunters Woods Shopping Center at 2310 Colts Neck Road in Reston. For further information, directions or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact the Reston Community Center at 703-476-4500 (V/TTY) or visit

the Web site at

Play. The Reston Community Players will present "Mame," at 8 p.m. at the Reston Community Center Stage, 2310 Colts neck Road. For more information, including ticket prices, call 703-476-1111 or visit

School Production. The Herndon High School Drama Department will present "Inherit the Wind," by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, at 7:30 p.m., in the Herndon High School auditorium. For more information visit

Modeler's Convention. The 8th Annual International Paper Modeler's Convention at the Days Hotel and Conference Center at Dulles, exit 10 on Route 267, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Admission is free and free model kits will be given at the door. A buffet dinner and model auction will be held Saturday evening at 7 p.m., cost is $30 in advance, $35 at the door. For more information or to make reservations call 703-620-9720 or visit

<cal1>Sunday/Nov. 14

<cal2>Holiday Arts and Crafts Show. At the Reston Community Center, Hunter's Woods, from 11 a.m.-4 p.m., featuring a wide array of craft items and demonstrations including stained and art glass, jewelry, quilts, textiles, toys, dolls, weaving, wearable art, paintings, photographs, calligraphy, ceramics and more. Prices range from $1 to $800. Admission is $2. The Reston Community Center is located in the Hunters Woods Shopping Center at 2310 Colts Neck Road in Reston. For further information, directions or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact the Reston Community Center at 703-476-4500 (V/TTY) or visit

the Web site at

Dulcimer Concert. Kevin Roth in concert with Jill Haley at CenterStage at the Reston Community Center, 2310 Colts Neck Road, at 3 p.m. Suitable for ages 9 and up. Tickets are $10. Call 703-476-4500 for tickets. For more information about Roth, visit

<cal1>Monday/Nov. 15

<cal2>Homework Busters: Science Fair Success. Learn how to use the library to find science fair information, 4 p.m. For ages 8 and up. At the Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive. Call to register, 703-689-2700.

GRACE Workshop. The Greater Reston Arts center (GRACE) presents a children's workshop from 3:30-5 p.m., at the Greater Reston Arts center Gallery, 11911 Freedom Drive, Suite 110, Reston. Registration is recommended. Cost $8 per session for members, $12 for nonmembers. For grades kindergarten-sixth. For more information, visit or call 703-471-9242.

<cal1>Tuesday/Nov. 16

<cal2>Club Meeting. The Greater Reston Newcomers and Neighbors Club will meet at the Lowes Island Club, for its annual holiday luncheon. Beginning at 11 a.m. Jennifer Davis, community relations manager at Barnes and Noble, will describe and display many new publications appropriate for holiday giving. Lunch will be served following a brief meeting. Darlene Murphy and Marjorie Krueger will provide music for entertainment. Guests are welcome to join the group. For reservations or information, call 703-467-0282 or

Circle Time. Interactive story time for caregiver and child, at 10:30 a.m. For ages 13-17 months with adult. At the Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive. Call to register, 703-689-2700.

<cal1>Wednesday/Nov. 17

<cal2>Book Discussion and Signing. 7 p.m., at Barnes & Noble, the Spectrum Center, 1851 Fountain Drive, Reston, featuring Ralph Segman, co-author of ÒIf the Gods Were Good,Ó will discuss and sign copies of his book.

Festive Feasting. Stories and activities for the whole family, 7:15 p.m. For all ages. At the Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive. Call to register, 703-689-2700.

ARCH Meeting. The first members meeting of the Alliance of Reston Clusters and Homeowners (ARCH) will be held in the Shenandoah Room on the 18th floor of the Accenture Building, 1950 Freedom Drive, Reston Town Center. This meeting is open to ARCH members and the public. An informal "meet and greet" with refreshments will be held from 6:30-7:00 p.m., followed by a business meeting at 7:00 p.m., with Reston Association's new executive vice president, Milton Matthews, as the featured speaker. ARCH is a politically non-partisan, collaborative effort that is both unique and complementary to Reston's existing organizations. Membership in ARCH is open to all Reston homeowner associations, single-family homeowners who have organized their neighborhoods, and any individual resident who is not part of such an association or group. Visit the Web site at for a complete history of the ARCH organization. For additional information, contact Frank Pfeilmeier at

<cal1>Thursday/Nov. 18

<cal2>CHADD Program. "From High School to College: Making a Successful Transition" will be the topic of the program of CHADD (Children and Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) of Northern Virginia. The session will be conducted by Samuel Barnett, Ph.D., a college counselor who has been a college admissions dean, marketing consultant to colleges, career counselor, and college counselor at independent schools and in private practice. At 7 p.m., at Fairfax High School, 3500 Old Lee Highway, Fairfax. The program is free and open to the public.

Volunteering Workshop. The Northern Virginia Association for Volunteer Administration (NVAVA) presents a workshop, "Building Relationships with Corporate Employee Volunteer Programs," from 9-11:30 a.m. Includes representatives from corporate groups and volunteer managers and a question and answer session with workshop participants. NVAVA is a professional nonprofit membership organization for persons committed to the effective involvement of volunteers in community programs and services. At the Herrity Building, 12055 Government Center Parkway, rooms l06 and 107, in Fairfax. The meeting is open to all who manage volunteers, be it in a nonprofit, for profit and/or faith-based setting. Free to members, non members $10 at the door. To learn more about NVAVA, visit RSVP by Friday, Nov. 12, contact Mary or 703-572-7350.

Space Museum Trip. The Reston Association sponsors a visit to the Air and Space Museum Udvar-Hazy Center located in Dulles, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Guided tours provided. Three IMAX movies are available to see with an additional charge upon arrival. Lunch will be available for purchase at the on site Subway. Fees: $13 for Reston residents; $16 for non residents. Bus pick-up locations will be Lake Anne Fellowship House, Thoreau Place, and Hunters Woods Fellowship House. Call 703-435-6577 for more information.

Art Workshop for Teens. From 3:30-5 p.m., "Clay Bowls And Plaques," using low-fire white clay and hand-building techniques, students will build bowls or plaques. Pieces will be fired off-site and picked up later at the gallery. For young people in grades seven-12. The cost per session is $8 for members of GRACE and $12 for nonmembers. Pre registration is recommended since space is limited and participation is on a first-come first-served basis. Call 703-471-9242 to register. For more information, visit All workshops will be held at the Greater Reston Arts Center in Reston Town Center.

Happy Thanksgiving! Stories, activities and a craft. For ages 2-3 with adult, 10:30 a.m.; and for ages 3-5 with adult, 2 p.m. At the Herndon Fortnightly Library, 768 Center St. Call to register, 703-437-8855.

Practice Your English. Beginner-level conversation group for people learning English. For adults. At 7 p.m., at the Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive. Call 703-689-2700 for more information.

Alphabets. Stories and activities, 10:30 a.m. For ages 18-23 months with adult. At the Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive. Call to register, 703-689-2700.

Turkey Time. Stories and activities, 10:30 a.m. For ages 2-3 with adult. At the Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive. Call to register, 703-689-2700.

Senior Cinema. "Paycheck," starring Ben Affleck at the Herndon Community Center, 814 Ferndale Ave., at 2 p.m. Refreshments and a movie are free. All movies are rated PG or PG-13. For more information, call 703-435-6868 or visit

AAUW Meeting. Carol Goldsmith will be the featured speaker at the meeting of the Reston/Herndon Branch of the American Association of University Women. Last year, she published a collection of her musings on the human condition in a short book of essays entitled "The Book of Carols: Songs of Discovery on the Path to Enlightenment." The meeting begins at 7 p.m., at the Reston Community Center in Lake Anne. Refreshments will be served and all are invited.

<cal1>Friday/Nov. 19

<cal2>Quarter Horse Show. The Pre-Turkey Circuit Quarter Horse Show, 8 a.m., at Frying Pan Park, 2709 West Ox Road, Herndon. Spectators free. Call 703-437-9101 for more information.

<cal1>Saturday/Nov. 20

<cal2>Gem Show. The Northern Virginia Mineral Club Inc.

will hold its 13th Annual Gem, Mineral, and Fossil

Show at the Student Union II Building, George Mason

University, Fairfax, from 10 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Free parking for

the show is available in Lot F. Admission is $4 for adults; $2 for senior citizens, 65+, and teens, 13-18; free for children, 12 and under, Scouts in uniform and George Mason

University Students with identification. Includes demonstrations, exhibits, door prizes and children's activities.

Quarter Horse Show. The Pre-Turkey Circuit Quarter Horse Show, 8 a.m., at Frying Pan Park, 2709 West Ox Road, Herndon. Spectators free. Call 703-437-9101 for more information.

Herndon Lights Up the Holidays. At Worldgate Centre, at the intersection of Centreville Road and Elden Street, beginning at 5 p.m. Set against a backdrop of thousands of luminary candles, the holiday celebration includes a variety of professional and student entertainment, childrenÕs activities, photographs with Santa Claus and refreshments. For more information, visit the Herndon Council for the Arts Web site at

VendorÕs Exhibit. In conjunction with the annual Herndon Turkey Trot 5K Race, there will be a VendorÕs Exhibit at the Herndon Community Center, 814 Ferndale Ave., from 2:30-6 p.m., during Turkey Trot registration, packet pickup and post-race activities. The exhibit features chiropractors, massage therapists and running clubs from Northern Virginia. For more information or to become involved, call Tom Wissinger, 703-435-6800 Ext. 2106.

Dance Theater. "Taylor 2 Dance Company, Celebrating 50 Years" comes to CenterStage at the Reston Community Center, 2310 Colts Neck Road, at 8 p.m. Suitable for ages 9 and up. Created by Paul Taylor, Taylor 2 is a smaller company, which performs in a more intimate stage space than larger companies. Tickets are $10. Call 703-476-4500 for tickets. For more information about Taylor 2, visit

School Supply Drive. A local Boy Scout from Troop 1313, based out of Sunrise Valley Elementary School, will collect school supplies for a Haitian Mission school at the South Lakes Shopping Center as part of his Eagle Scout requirement. The Boy Scouts will also be collecting school supplies at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Reston. They will be looking for any new school supplies to be used by children in Haiti.

<cal1>Sunday/Nov. 21

<cal2>School Supply Drive. A local Boy Scout from Troop 1313, based out of Sunrise Valley Elementary School, will collect school supplies for a Haitian Mission school at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Reston as part of his Eagle Scout requirement. They will be looking for any new school supplies to be used by children in Haiti.

Gem Show. The Northern Virginia Mineral Club Inc.

will hold its 13th Annual Gem, Mineral, and Fossil

Show at the Student Union II Building, George Mason

University, Fairfax, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free parking for

the show is available in Lot F. Admission is $4 for adults; $2 for senior citizens, 65+, and teens, 13-18; free for children, 12 and under, Scouts in uniform and George Mason

University Students with identification. Includes demonstrations, exhibits, door prizes, silent auction and children's activities.

Acoustic Jam. At the country store at Frying Pan Park, 2709 West Ox Road, Herndon, from 1-4 p.m. Bring own instrument for a drop-in session or just listen to others play. Free. Call 703-435-3710 for more information.

Film Series. The Independent and International Film Series at CenterStage at the Reston Community Center, 2310 Colts Neck Road, Reston, presents "City of God." Free, tickets required and must be picked up at the customer service desk or CenterStage box office. Limit four per person. For ages 18 and older.

Jazz and Gospel. The Cyrus Chestnut Trio comes to CenterStage at the Reston Community Center, 2310 Colts Neck Road, at 3 p.m., with a repertoire of jazz and gospel. Suitable for ages 9 and up. Tickets are $15. Call 703-476-4500 for tickets. For more information about Chestnut, visit

<cal1>Tuesday/Nov. 23

<cal2>Dinner Theater Trip. The Reston Association hosts a trip to see ÒAnything GoesÓ at the Lazy Susan Dinner located in Woodbridge, from 4:30-11:30 p.m. The show is a musical comedy with a score by Cole Porter. A Pennsylvania Dutch buffet, bus transportation and show are included in the fee. Fee: $40 Reston Association members; $44 non members. Bus pick-up Locations will be Lake Anne Fellowship House, Thoreau Place, and Hunters Woods Fellowship House. Call 703-435-6577 for more information.

<cal1>Friday/Nov. 26

<cal2>Holiday Celebration Kick Off. Reston Town Center plays host to four events, which kick off the holiday-season celebration. The Reston Mile/Race for the Kids is free to children ages 3-18 and money raised by corporate sponsors is donated to Neediest Kids Inc. Race registration takes place at 7:30 a.m. and the races begin at 8:30. Register at RestonÕs 14th Annual Holiday Parade kicks off at 11:00 am. This yearÕs parade celebrates RestonÕs 40th Anniversary with RestonÕs founder, Robert E. Simon Jr., as grand marshal. To participate in the parade, contact Visits with Santa will be available from 12:30-4:30 p.m. Photos will be $10 and all proceeds will benefit the Reston YMCA. At 6 p.m., the official Tree Lighting at Mercury Fountain followed by a sing along led by Reston Chorale, and an appearance by Santa Claus who will light up Reston Town Center. For more information, visit

<cal1>Tuesday/Nov. 30

<cal2>Native American Tales. Stories and activities, 10:30 a.m. For ages 4-6 with adults. At the Reston Regional Library, 11925 Bowman Towne Drive. Call to register, 703-689-2700.