On May 16, Cappies Critics assembled to cast their votes for nominations and awards. The awards will be presented at the Fifth Annual Cappies Gala on June 13, at the Concert Hall of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
<cal1>Male Critic
<cal2>Will Cooper, T.C. Williams
Jason Kobielus, Edison
Chris Miller, Chantilly
Kevin Stevens, Episcopal
Sam Willmott, Jefferson
<cal1>Female Critic
<cal2>Lauren Abramson, T.C. Williams
Catherine Barton, Duke Ellington
Emily Henry, H-B Woodlawn
Emily Newhook, H-B Woodlawn
Annaliese Weber, Stuart
<cal1>Critics Team
<cal2>Duke Ellington
H-B Woodlawn
T.C. Williams
<cal2>Emily Brown, Kristen McDermott, Westfield, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead"
Haythem Hedda, Reed Rogers, McLean, "Noises Off"
Ryan Koontz, Robinson, "Gold in the Hills"
Steven Lederer, Flint Hill, "Dearly Departed"
Ashley Maddalena, South Lakes, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
<cal2>John Bennett, Westfield, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead"
Danielle Cook, Kim Miller, Bishop Ireton, "Godspell"
Michelle Durr, Robinson, "Gold in the Hills"
Mike Mauren, Amy Radebaugh, Julian Karlen, Herndon, "Into the Woods"
Kari Preston, Stonewall Jackson, "West Side Story"
<cal2>Tia Anderson, Brian Davis, John Dorman, Natalie Martkin, Herndon, "Into the Woods"
Dan Fisher, David Maley, W.T. Woodson, "The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940"
Josh Gibson, Patrick Quinn, McLean, "Noises Off"
Marley Monk, Greg Scali, Chantilly, "Don't Drink the Water"
Rob Ross, Madison, "Much Ado About Nothing."
<cal2>Abbey Cantolina, Nicki Merz, Edison, "The Boyfriend"
Allison Gentry, Madison, "Much Ado About Nothing"
Liz Hebert, Lee, "The Rivals"
Manica Noziglia, West Potomac, "Les Miserables"
Brigid Prescott, KC Wright, Bishop Ireton, "Godspell"
<cal2>Elizabeth Hankla, St. Albans & National Cathedral, "Les Miserables"
Tanaya Hantke, West Springfield, "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Kwame Head, Duke Ellington, "Amen Corner"
Sarah Kamins, Herndon, "Into the Woods"
Samantha Mandeles, Robinson, "Gold in the Hills"
<cal1>Props & Effects
<cal2>Melody Ain, McLean, "Noises Off"
Ali Andrews, Dinah Miller, Nathan Smith, Hayfield, "Dandelion Wine"
Richard Broderick, Simon McCurley, Patrick Rivera, Stone Bridge, "Kiss Me, Kate"
Tim Cooke, Robinson, "Gold in the Hills"
Beth Goodell, Grace Royer, Fairfax, "Blithe Spirit"
<cal1>Stage Crew
<cal2>Uland Berry, Monique Purnell, Flight Crew, Mount Vernon, "Peter Pan"
Jimmy Gertzog, W.T. Woodson, "The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940"
McLean Stage Crew, McLean, "Noises Off"
Shannon Scott, Kate Stuber, Madeira, "The Music Man"
Melissa Tyler, St. Albans & National Cathedral, "Les Miserables"
<cal2>Stephanie Copperman, Tony Mason, Nik Pendola, Stone Bridge, "Kiss Me, Kate"
Zachary Heller, Edison, "The Boyfriend"
Ashlea Kaufman, Lauren Myers, Stonewall Jackson, "West Side Story"
Natalie Koski-Karell, Brooke Miekle, Manoja Wimalkantha, Yorktown, "The Secret Garden"
Rachael Shane-Lydon, T.C. Williams, "Anything Goes"
<cal2>Churchill, "Guys and Dolls"
Herndon, "Into the Woods"
Stonewall Jackson, "West Side Story"
West Potomac, "Les Miserables"
Whitman, "Fiddler on the Roof"
<cal1>Ensemble - Play
<cal2>New York Congregation, Duke Ellington, "Amen Corner"
Bar Crew, Robinson, "Gold in the Hills"
Company Members of Nothing On, McLean, "Noises Off"
Marguerite and Royce, Flint Hill, "Dearly Departed"
Tragedians, Westfield, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead"
<cal1>Ensemble - Musical
<cal2>Apostles, Bishop Ireton, "Godspell"
The Gangsters, Stone Bridge, "Kiss Me, Kate"
Mabel's Prayer ensemble, Centreville, "Fame"
Princes, Herndon, "Into the Woods"
The Thenardiers, St. Albans & National Cathedral, "Les Miserables"
<cal1>Cameo Actor
<cal2>Steve Hock, Madison, "Much Ado About Nothing"
Jay Laroya, Chantilly, "Don't Drink the Water"
Reaves McElveen, Westfield, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead"
Colin O'Shea, St. Andrew's, "On the Town"
Marion Te, Wakefield High, "Runaways"
<cal1>Cameo Actress
<cal2>Fran Downey, St. Andrew's, "On the Town"
Claire Holman, Flint Hill, "Dearly Departed"
Emily Lodsun, Washington - Lee, "To Kill A Mockingbird"
Nora O'Reilly, Wakefield High, "Runaways"
Ray'Shanna Raysor, Duke Ellington, "Amen Corner"
<cal1>Male Dancer
<cal2>Thomas Bridgwood, Stonewall Jackson, "West Side Story"
Jamison Foreman, Annandale, "Fiddler on the Roof"
Zach Heller, Edison, "The Boyfriend"
Terrance Polite, T.C. Williams, "Anything Goes"
Nicholas Segura, Churchill, "Guys and Dolls"
<cal1>Female Dancer
<cal2>Stephanie Combs, Stonewall Jackson, "West Side Story"
Khori Rogers, Centreville, "Fame"
Rachael Shane-Lydon, T.C. Williams, "Anything Goes"
Samantha Sturm, Osbourn Park, "The Wizard of Oz"
Collette Yori, Edison, "The Boyfriend"
<cal1>Male Vocalist
<cal2>Matt Leuthy, Stonewall Jackson, "West Side Story"
Thomas Matthews, St. Albans & National Cathedral, "Les Miserables"
Christopher Mueller, Wakefield High, "Runaways"
Tim Rogan, St. Andrew's, "On the Town"
Stephen Selman, West Potomac, "Les Miserables"
<cal1>Female Vocalist
<cal2>Ashley Lippolis, Annandale, "Fiddler on the Roof"
Kate Lumpkin, Madeira, "The Music Man"
Krista McClellan, West Potomac, "Les Miserables"
Beth Rothschild, Bishop Ireton, "Godspell"
Emily Wilson, St. Albans & National Cathedral, "Les Miserables"
<cal1>Comic Actor - Play
<cal2>Peter Andre, W.T. Woodson, "The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940"
Brendan Hill, Lake Braddock, "Twelfth Night"
Branson Reese, Westfield, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead"
James Taube, McLean, "Noises Off"
Clayton Tune, Falls Church, "The Three Musketeers"
<cal1>Comic Actress - Play
<cal2>Scarlett Bermingham, St. Stephen's & St. Agnes, "Stage Door"
Nikki Calonge, Chantilly, "Don't Drink the Water"
Allyson Daniel, Duke Ellington, "Amen Corner"
Carol Olsen, Robinson, "Gold in the Hills"
Alex Valentin, Lee, "The Rivals"
<cal1>Comic Actor - Musical
<cal2>Zachary Gerg, T.C. Williams, "Anything Goes"
David Hankla, St. Albans & National Cathedral, "Les Miserables"
Taylor McFarland, Edison, "The Boyfriend"
John David Nelson, Wakefield High, "Runaways"
Eric Smith, Gonzaga, "Footloose"
<cal1>Comic Actress - Musical
<cal2>Audrey Bales, West Potomac, "Les Miserables"
Andrea Gompf, Washington International, "Cabaret"
Alex Raphel, St. Albans & National Cathedral, "Les Miserables"
Deniz Soyer, Edison, "The Boyfriend"
Paige Williams, Centreville, "Fame"
<cal1>Featured Actor - Play
<cal2>Patrick Barrett, McLean, "Noises Off"
Aaron Gamble, Duke Ellington, "Amen Corner"
Matthew Marcus, Hylton, "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Derek Rommel, Westfield, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead"
Patrick Sanders, Robinson, "Gold in the Hills"
<cal1>Featured Actress - Play
<cal2>Sara Aultman, Hayfield, "Dandelion Wine"
Alba Davenport, Duke Ellington, "Amen Corner"
Vanessa Fontana, McLean, "Noises Off"
Michelle Johnson, South Lakes, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
Theresa Ohanian, West Springfield, "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
<cal1>Featured Actor - Musical
<cal2>Andrew Allen, West Potomac, "Les Miserables"
Kenny Hillary, T.C. Williams, "Anything Goes"
Max Klein, Churchill, "Guys and Dolls"
Jake Odmark, Bishop Ireton, "Godspell"
Adam Schiffer, Wakefield High, "Runaways"
<cal1>Featured Actress - Musical
<cal2>Jennifer Brown, Woodbridge, "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown"
Rachel Greenspan, West Potomac, "Les Miserables"
Kathryn von Kann, Madeira, "The Music Man"
Nahid Koohkanrizi, Wakefield High, "Runaways"
Elizabeth Otero, Herndon, "Into the Woods"
<cal1>Lead Actor - Play
<cal2>Dan Borrelli, Robinson, "Gold in the Hills"
DJ Cashmere, South Lakes, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
Zach Fithian, Jefferson, "The Crucible"
Corey Hawkins, Duke Ellington, "Amen Corner"
Sam Ludwig, Madison, "Much Ado About Nothing"
<cal1>Lead Actress - Play
<cal2>Meredith Lynch, Chantilly, "Don't Drink the Water"
Caitlin McCormick, McLean, "Noises Off"
Sophia Miller, Robinson, "Gold in the Hills"
Kathy Norris, Flint Hill, "Dearly Departed"
Keona Welch, Duke Ellington, "Amen Corner"
<cal1>Lead Actor - Musical
<cal2>Gabriel Baker, Woodrow Wilson, "Guys and Dolls"
Benjamin Chirlin, Washington International, "Cabaret"
Marshall Nannes, Whitman, "Fiddler on the Roof"
Alex Shuster, Gonzaga, "Footloose"
Adam Spalletta, Herndon, "Into the Woods"
<cal1>Lead Actress - Musical
<cal2>Tina Boosahda, Herndon, "Into the Woods"
Rebecca Cobbs, St. Andrew's, "On the Town"
Margie Mills, Woodbridge, "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown"
Sarah Villyard, Centreville, "Fame"
Whitney Zangarine, Mount Vernon, "Peter Pan"
<cal2>'Agony', Herndon, "Into the Woods"
'Epilogue,' St. Albans & National Cathedral, "Les Miserables"
'Anything Goes,' T.C. Williams, "Anything Goes"
'Fame/There She Goes,' Centreville, "Fame"
'The Riviera,' Edison, "The Boyfriend"
<cal2>'Amen Corner,' Duke Ellington
'Gold in the Hills,' Robinson
'Noises Off,' McLean
'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead,' Westfield
'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?,' South Lakes
<cal2>'Fame,' Centreville
'Godspell,' Bishop Ireton
'Into the Woods,' Herndon
'Les Miserables,' St. Albans & National Cathedral
'Runaways,' Wakefield High