People Notes

People Notes

Five Venturers from local Crew 761 received Venturing's highest outdoor award, the Ranger Award, in a Court of Honor held in December, becoming the sixth such recipients from the crew to do so. Amy Luna, Kristian Nielsen, Stephen Nielsen, Eric Schulz, and Zach Stahlman completed a variety of core requirements in their accomplishing of the award, including First Aid, Communications, Cooking, Emergency Preparedness, Land Navigation and Leave No Trace, as well as a variety of electives, such as Cave Exploring, Equestrian, Lifesaver, Mountaineering, Project COPE, Scuba, Water Craft and Winter Sports. In addition, each Venturer was required to complete a conservation project. Amy Luna enhanced an area of Claude Moore Park to reduce erosion; Kristian Nielsen refurbished the Wetlands Study Area at Potomac Falls High School; Stephen Nielsen built bat houses at three sites in Sterling and taught bat conservation; Eric Schulz created an education Conservation Trail at Claude Moore Park, and; Zach Stahlman enhanced a Conservation Trail at Claude Moore Park with the building of a footbridge.

The Loudoun County Theater Troupe will represent Virginia at the International VSA Arts Festival. The largest gathering of artists with disabilities, will take place June 10-12, 2004 in Washington, D.C. at the International VSA arts Festival. The 4-day festival is a celebration of visual and performing arts. Individuals and groups were selected by a jury panel from over 700 applications worldwide. The volunteer-based Loudoun County Theater Troupe comprises over 50 local children and adults who will present "Snow White" at the Festival.

Prior to the festival, Loudoun audiences will have several opportunities to see this special troupe perform “Snow White." Performances are scheduled on May 15-16 at Harmony Intermediate School in Hamilton and May 22-23 at Harper Park Middle School in Leesburg. The Saturday shows are at 7 p.m. and Sunday’s performances take place at 2 p.m. at both locations.